//Making Breakfast and cookies\\

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~Johnny's POV~

Johnny: ~Unique was talking and showing me how to do things but I was focused on thinking about what happened between Annie and I. If it did work out maybe we could tell Unique on Christmas.~

Unique: John. Johnny! *snapping her finger.*

Johnny: *shakes his head* Oh yeah? What?

Unique: You really weren't listening to a thing I just said?

Johnny: ~I smiled thinking about the french toast, it was so easy to do.~ I think I know how to coat and dip.

Unique: I'm scared you'll actually burn the place down. *grins*

Johnny: Ha Ha Ha. ~I coated the bread in the eggs and cinnamon.~ See!

Unique: Okay now lets make eggs and bacon. *grins* come on.

Johnny: ~We talked while we made breakfast. As we did talk I reaslised just how much I missed of her life. Five years and two to three of that she can barely remember. Right when we finished we went to get Annie.~

Annie: Nothing smells burnt *smiles.*

Johnny: *covers Annie's eyes* You'll love it.

Unique: Yeah Johnny made it.

Johnny: *uncovers her eyes.* There it is!

Annie: Looks great, when did you learn how to cook?

Johnny: Today. ~We sat down and ate breakfast. It was amazing likd every other day I've spent with them.~

~Annie's POV~

Annie: ~Since we were snowed in Unique wanted to blast Johnny's christmas music. The two were singing their lungs out happily as we cleaned the house.~ Done?

Unique: *laughed* Come on Mommy join us!

Johnny: Yeah we're done cleaning.

Annie: *smiles* Its great seeing you two together. She's just like you.

Johnny: This beetle? *holding Unique, throws her onto the couch.* Nah! More like you

Annie: Yeah she's my daughter. ~I smiled smugly.~

Johnny: Well she has my looks, my sense of humor.

Unique: *giggles* You two are children.

Annie: ~I sat next to her and tickled her. We both stopped when we heard a camera click and flash. We looked at Johnny holding a disposable camera.~

Johnny: You just keep theres scattered around?

Unique: *holds up a finger.* Its so we can take picture at the perfect moment. *hops off the couch.* Look! *grabs the book, pulls Johnny to the couch she is sitting inbetween her two parents.* See we have all the pictures in here. *flips the page* My first solid food, First time sitting up by myself, first step. See all of these were taken cuz mom had a camera around.

Johnny: And she always carries a camera around? *smiles*

Annie: ~I blushed as he explained how I loved taking pictures.~

Johnny: She's sentimental as Hel-

Annie: *glares at him*

Johnny: Heck as Heck *smiles*

Annie: How about we do something? Like make gingerbreadmen?

Johnny: And houses?

Annie: *nods* What do you think.

Unique: Yay more cooking! Well baking but its still in the kitchen.

~3rd persons POV~

~The three went into the small kitchen and washed their hands. They made the ginger bread dough while telling jokes, if you were an outsider you would think they were always together.~

Unique: Now we have to wait until they bake?

Johnny: Yeah *smiles* Come on the snow is melthing.

Annie: Go get ready and Johnny will take you out in the snow.

~Unique ran to her room. While Annie cleaned.~

Johnny: Did you see the gingerbread family that Unique made? She had you and her.. *smiles* And me..

Annie: Why do you look a little sad?

Johnny: She doesn't call me dad..

~Annie couldnt help but feel bad. She walked over and hugged him, he hugged her back.~

Annie: Give it time, she only met you almost a week ago. Its new to her.

Johnny: Right *nods* I just hope I'm good enough to be a father.

Annie: Oh Johnny, you're already doing great. *kisses his cheek*

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