//Light Drive\\

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[Annie's POV]

Annie: ~Unique and I are at home packing to stay at the Orlando's.~

Unique: Do you think you and Johnny will get back together?

Annie: Probably not. *pulls her into a hug/cuddle*

Unique: *smiles* I think you two will. *sits up to look at her* Thats what I'm gonna ask santa for! As my last gift. Actually for my only gift! *gets off the bed*

{Ding dong}

Unique: Johnny's Here!!

Annie: ~I closed the suitcase and pulled it into the livingroom where Johnny stood at the door.~ You literally walked here?

Johnny: No Hayden brought the bus. Unique wanted to see my life style! *smiles* Come on. *grabs her things*

Annie: ~I followed them out locking the door behind me. We got in the bus and Unique was so excited to see the bus. I sat down while Johnny showed her around.~

Unique: We should live in a bus! Its cheaper!

Annie: *laughs* Yeah right I'm not living in a bus. *smiles and pulls her into her lap* It would get to cold.

Unique: Yeah I guess.

Johnny: I haven't been to a light drive in 5 years. *smiles at Annie* With you.

Annie: *glares at him. Sighs* Are you coming with us?

Johnny: Are you inviting me? *smirks*

Annie: Theres a difference. Between asking and inviting.

Unique: I'll invite you *smiles* it'll be fun.

Annie: Okay. ~We all talked Hayden joined in every now and then, we finally got to the diner. It was closed for the night.~

Unique: Pops! Mer!!

Johnny: She's so smart and full of energy.

Annie: *nods* Yeah ~We went up the stairs. Unique was with Lauren on the couch, Johnny and I took the bags to the room.~ Thanks. Unique really loves you. Even though she barely met you.

[Johnny's POV]

Johnny: Thats a good thing right?

Annie: Yeah its great. *smiles* She really likes you...

Unique: Mommy! Johnny! We're leaving!

Johnny: ~We went downstairs.~

Unique: Can we walk? Can we do the walk?

Annie: It's really cold are you sure you wanna walk an hour?

Unique: Yep! *smiles* Come on Pops already made hot chocolate for us to drink.

Johnny: Lets go *smiles* ~We started walking. We walked into the neighborhood with lights, thats when Unique went ahead to walk with my mom and dad.~ so why didn't you go home?

Annie: No money to fly to LA. *shrugs* Why did you come here?

Johnny: No money for the next concert *smiles* That and.. I wanted to see you. Well I was terrified to see you since-

Annie: Weren't you dating Kenzie?

Johnny: *Smirks and chuckles* No that was a rumor because of the song we did together.

Annie: *smiles* Why? She's gorgeous.

Johnny: ~I stopped her and held her hand pulling her to me.~ Not compared to you. ~We looked into each others eyes and started leaning in.~


Johnny: ~We both jumped away and started laughing.~ Wow..

Annie: *smiles* You still love me?

Helen: There you are!

Johnny: Helen? *his family looks back*

Helen: Why are you here?

Johnny: How did you know I was here? *rolls his eyes*

Helen: I have my sourses. Now who is this?

Unique: She's my mommy! *crosses her arms, Annie wraps her arms around

Helen: *fakes a smile* I don't care.

Johnny: I told you I was coming to spend time with my family.

Helena: And? Who are these two? *glaring at Annie and Unique*

Johnny: My.. ~I glanced at Unique who smiled and nodded~ My daughter and ex girl-

Helen: Shhhh!! *looks around* So the reports are right?

Lauren: What do you mean?

Helen: You're brother is a star. He's always being followed and these social sucking bugs are everywhere and fast at printing. *pulls out a magazine* Read the front cover.

Annie: *takes the magazine* Johnnh Orlando back in home town. "That's my girl."

Johnny: ~I looked over her shoulder and saw me holding Unique. I took the magazine.~ H..How-

Helen: Like I said nasy creatures. *sighs* Maybe you should come stay at the lodge? *smiles looks at him* And stop talking to these two.

Johnny: I'm not gonna do that *smiles at Unique* Who cares if people know. I kind of want them to know.

Unique: *sticks her tongue out at Helen.

Helen: *srunches her face. Looks at Johnny* Hmm I guess we could. *smiles* Yes! Have a whole interview with the three of you. Its perfect!

Meredith: We're going home, Johnny AND Annie need to talk about it. *they start walking away*

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