》10 《 Starting a Season

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*F/F: Favorite Flavor
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A light spring breeze caressed Y/N's unsullied face. The sudden gust felt pleasant compared to the smoldering warmth the sun bestowed. It was an undeniably hot day. A thin glaze of sweat formed on her forehead, and she wasn't even doing any strenuous work!

Gazing at the boys working hard in front of her, she pitied their current situation. Most of them were drenched with water as they resorted to using the nearby hose to cool themselves off. Y/N gathered the remaining water bottles from the cooler and handed one to each boy.

"You guys should take a break from practice," she glanced at Ren briefly then skimmed the other boys' conditions. She chastised, "Your health should be a priority. Take care of yourselves more!"

The guys smiled when they saw that Y/N was concerned about them. They exchanged a knowing glance, She actually is worried about us! How cute!

Ren splashed cold water on his face. The clear liquid eased the harsh effects of the blazing sun. As tiny droplets gleamed on his face, he turned to look at Y/N. Nonchalantly, he shrugged. "Alright, we'll end practice here."

The rest of the team sighed in relief, wiping the sweat from their brows with a fresh, clean towel. "Thank goodness," Kyo said in a muffled tone as his face was shrouded with a fluffy white towel. "Five more minutes of practice and I would've collapsed on the spot!"

Izumi and Nao nodded their heads in agreement whilst Ren just rolled his eyes at their antics. He knew they started a pity act to gain sympathy from Y/N. Before the H/C haired girl was even manager, the three boys seemed just fine.

"Really?" Y/N asked softly, throwing stray tennis balls into the ball cart. As she threw the last ball in, she dusted the nylon strings off her shirt. She turned to the exhausted trio, "Why don't I treat you guys today? I'm sure you guys are hungry!"

The four males smiled, showing their pearly white teeth whilst lubricous fantasies ran through their minds.

Y/N is asking me on a date?

Cute, kind, and pretty! Y/N is my goddess!

She definitely loves me!

I can't let the other guys take what's mine!

Looking at the dazed boys suspiciously, she coughed loudly to get their attention back. One by one, their eyes met with hers. She asked curiously, "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine, Y/N!" Kyo smiled rather energetically. He sent the other boys a hateful glare, knowing that they were thinking sinful thoughts about his Y/N. He quickly covered the glare with a happy facade.

Diverting the H/C haired girl's attention from them, he cut in whilst patting his stomach, "Let's go eat! My stomach is craving food!"

"Alright," Y/N  laughed. His desperation for treats was amusing. "Let me just get my backpack, and we'll be all set!"

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Taking the train to the interior of Tokyo, the trip was short-lived yet filled with little antics from here to there from the gang of teen males. Unknownst to Y/N, many of the people on the mechanic vehicle gaped at her due to recognition or her significantly appealing looks. Although, whenever someone would glance her way, a murderous glare would strike them immediately.

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