Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The Birth and the new Family!

(Y/N PoV)

The time has come! My birth! I planned out everything very carefully and meditated for a few hours too. My power level is now 182 so pretty good, even if Vegeta had 500. I feel like it's a good time to come out.

(Small Timeskip)

I'm almost out of that warm place. My head is already out and I only have one thing in my head.

'HERE'S JOHNNY!' I'm so ashamed of myself, but a more perfect moment you can't have.

I look around and see Bardock, Gine and Raditz.

I'm surprised that the whole family is here. I guessed that only Gine was here and if Bardock was here, it would be a miracle, but everyone? Wow!

I immediately put my hands up and I show that I want to Bardock, or now, my father. He realized that and took me in his arms. I immediately laugh and hug him.

After a small hug, he gave me to Raditz and we hugged too.

Then I looked back to Gine, that he was back to being okay, so I stretched my arms out to Gine.

Bardock and Raditz brought me to her and she took me in her arms.

"So, Bardock. What should we call him?" asked Gine.

"How about Kakarot?" he said.

I immediately started crying, because I didn't want to take Goku's name.

"Maybe (Y/N)?" Raditz suggested.

I was surprised.

He said the name, which was used to call me back in my world.

I started giggling to show them, that I like the name.

"Alright, (Y/N) it is." said Gine and everyone laughed.


We went home and I was in the tank with water, which Goku was in.

We went home and I was in the tank with water, which Goku was in

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(Imagine you're Goku alright?)

I already started using my hands to start getting used to fight. I threw few punches and kicks. Even if it looked silly on the outside, it greatly helped me in getting used to it.

"Look Bardock! (Y/N) will be a great fighter some day." said Gine, pointing to me and stopping Bardock in the middle of eating or better said inhaling the food.

"Yeah. I would say with 2 he will learn how to walk and with 3 I will teach him how to throw good punches." said Bardock, immediately getting back to literally inhaling the food.

"Shouldn't we wait until he will be 4? We don't want to strain him too much. And his little body will not handle too much too." worried Gine.

"Don't worry Gine, it will be small things. I won't force him to do 30 push-ups in 2 minutes. Simple punches and kicks, nothing more, nothing less." reassured Bardock.

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