Please Promise Me This

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The next morning I woke in someone's arms. Even though I couldn't see their face, I knew exactly who it was.It was none other than Kakashi Hatake, my sensei.

It was so nice of him to let me stay with him that night. Even though if anyone found out about whatever was between us... It would definitely get messy.

But what is between us? What are we? Many questions ran through my mind. Questions that I didn't have an answer to and neither how to get them.

All in all none of it even mattered. He was right when he said that he didn't know anything about me and... And it wouldn't be right for either of us to be in that kind of a relationship.

"Good morning."

At that point I realized that I wasn't the only one who was awake anymore. "Morning."

I turned over, now facing the silver headed man next to me, who was looking deeply into my eyes. "Thank you."

I was bewildered by his sudden expression of gratitude. "What for?"

Kakashi chuckled a little at my ignorance. "For coming here last night. I always sleep better when I'm next to you."

That made me smile, but it didn't last long. I quickly remembered what had been on my mind before this conversation.

Kakashi noticed my change of mood. "What's wrong?"

"There can't be anything between us."

I knew I hurt him, when I said that so I continued. "At least not right now... Because you were right when you said that you didn't know anything about me, and until you do..."

I didn't know how to finish what I was trying to tell him, but I didn't have to. "I understand. If and or when you feel like you can tell me a little more about you, then I will be waiting, okay?" The jounin gave me a closed eyed smile.

I then hugged him, which made him smile even more.

Soon after a certain butler knocked on the door. "Mr Hatake, it's time for breakfast. Oh and if you happen to see Lana, could you please tell her that we'll be waiting for her in the backyard. Princess Marianne is ready to start her training."

I gave Kakashi a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for being so understanding." The action left him stunned.

I got up, put my mask on and left the room only to see a smirking Sebastian waiting for me. "What?" I asked annoyed.

"Oh nothing."

I rolled my eyes. "Don't get any ideas..."

He replied sarcastically. "I have no idea what you're talking about miss."

I sighed. "I'll be there in five."

Sebastian lightly bowed. "Yes m'lady."

After changing my clothes, I went to meet the butler and Mari. They were already sparring, but they stopped, when they saw me. "(y/n)! It seems like you slept well. I've never seen you this refreshed before."

I simply smiled at her. "I guess I did."

Sebastian played ignorant. "I wonder why?"

Mari immediately understood what he meant and I was oozing with anger. I took my sword and attached the butler. Mari just watched and tried to remember a little for later training.

Since neither of our weapons were able to kill the other, we weren't all that concerned about taking it easy on each other.

Sebastian knew that I was strong, but at the same time I had never managed to get a jump on him. Although this time was different. I had gotten a lot stronger since the last time we fought.

Finally when I was about to seemingly kill the guy, I saw Shikamaru's shadow creeping up on me. Thus I had to retreat from my planned winning strike and was met by Sebastian's last move instead. He slammed me to the ground and stabbed me in the heart. "Good effort, but apparently luck was on my side today."

I sighed. "It seems so..."

The butler then helped me up.

Shikamaru realized what was really going on instead of what he thought, although he was still concerned about the stab wound I had just received. "Now I feel bad. What a drag." And with that he went off on his own way.

I hugged Sebastian. "You might be a jerk sometimes, but you are always there for me. Thank you!"

He was shocked, but ended up hugging back. "Of course m'lady. It's what I signed up for. I'll always be looking out for you no matter what."

Mari also joined our hug laughing. "Awww, how cute!"

I decided to break the cute moment. "Okay, enough of this! We need to get back to work."

Mari was surprisingly energetic. "Yes, let's do this!"

After a long day of training I decided to go look at the beautiful stars from one of the balconies. When I walked through the glass doors onto the balcony I noticed that someone was already there reading a book.

I walked to the dark figure. "Hey."

The silver headed jounin looked up from his book to face me. "Hey. Can't sleep either?"

I leaned on the railing. "No not really. Tomorrow is a big day after all."

Kakashi chuckled in response. "Yeah, you're right. It is our team's first mission lead by you."

There were a few minutes of silence. I looked out at the breathtaking scenery while Kakashi peacefully read his book. He also kept glancing at me from time to time, but I didn't mind. Actually... That's a total lie.

I kept thinking about what would happen if Kakashi found out the truth about me. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. "Kakashi?"

Once more the jounin glanced up from his book only this time actually meeting my gaze. "Hmmm?"

I was visibly torn. "Please promise me that you won't treat me any differently, when you do find out who I am."

He looked at me confused. He put away his book and came closer to me. "I'm not sure if-"

Before he could finish I interrupted him knowing what he was about to say. "I mean it in the way that anything going on from that point forward I want you to treat me like you would right now in any situation. Including the bad ones."

I looked deeply into his dark brown eye; hopefully waiting for an answer.

Kakashi pulled me into a warm embrace. "Sure, that sounds reasonable enough. I promise."

I loved being in his arms. I lost control of my body. I slowly pulled down his mask and moved closer, but I stopped right before our lips touched. The way this man made me feel scared me, and I wasn't sure what was right and what was wrong anymore.

That's when it happened. I suddenly felt his lips on mine. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there shocked, which is why Kakashi started apologizing, but before he could fully finish I pulled him in for another kiss.

My cheeks flushed a rozy color. "Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault and... It... It wasn't that bad either."

Neither of us felt like sleeping so we just enjoyed the view of the dark midnight sky, and each other's company.

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