The Dinner Date

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When I made it back to the castle with team Asuma, I saw my own teammates starting to leave, but they stopped, when they saw us.

Kakashi sighed now understanding the situation. "You could've told us what you were going to do."

Naruto started yelling. "Yeah, that's right! We were so worried!!"

I scratched the back of my head. "Sorry about that. I wanted to convince the locals to slowly start to warm up to us... Or well Mari. And if I would've told you, you would've wanted to come with me, but the less in numbers for that part of the mission the better. And well, then I figured that it was about time for these guys to arrive and I made sure that I was there to welcome them."

Sakura started annoyed at both my actions and me. "And why would you need to that? Its not like it's vital for the mission or anything."

I took a few steps towards her with a more serious look on my face. "You have no idea how wrong you are... We are going to help save this village, which includes taking the current king off the thrown and helping Marianne take his place, and for that we do need the locals support."

Marianne seemed more determined than ever before. "That's right, and considering that I've got one favor to ask you. Let me fight beside you!"

Sakura screamed before Mari could finish. "No!"

Mari on the other hand ignored Sakura's outburst and continued. "An old friend of mine once told me that one shouldn't expect others to follow her, if she herself isn't in the front line leading them to victory."

Before Sakura could interrupt once again I gave her my answer. "Fine."

Everyone looked shocked, and Sakura, of course, protested. "No way! You're the one who wanted to help your friend and now you want to get her killed? What's wrong with you?"

Kakashi butted in. "I'm sorry (y/n), but I agree with Sakura on this one. It's too dangerous."

I sighed. "I'm sorry Kakashi, but as princess Marianne's temporary knight of honor, her opinion is more important to me than yours."

With that all the ninja surrounding me were surprised by what I said and Mari quickly hugged and thanked me.

I then continued. "But that also means that training for you starts right now, and I won't go easy on you."

Marianne was too happy to care about how horrific the training might actually be. "Yes ma'am!"

I turned to the butler, who had been listening in on the whole conversation. "Sebastian, may I please ask for your assistance on this matter?"

He smirked and slightly bowed. "As you wish m'lady."

I smiled. "Then let's get started right away. There's no time to loose."

We trained the princess until it was time for dinner. By that point she could barely evwn move. However, she didn't regret her decision because she knew in her heart that it was the right thing to do.

When it was time for lunch, everyone were given a more formal attire and then guided into the dining area. Albeit me and Kakashi, we were guided into a separate room by Sebastian.

There was a small round table in the middle of the dimly candle lit room. Sebastian said that it was because we both wore masks and that we'd feel more comfortable eating in private without having to worry about everyone seeing our faces.

I immediately knew what he was up to and thus I glared at him during the entire time he was in the room with us.

When Sebastian left I turned to Kakashi with the intention of apologizing for the situation we were put in, but I stopped when I noticed the jounin staring at me with a slight blush creeping out from behind his mask. I started blushing as well and I looked away. "A... Are y... You okay?"

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