Sasori's Spy

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Soon I headed out to where Kakashi told me to meet him and the rest of the team.

When I got there, surprise surprise, Kakashi was the only one missing.

Sakura tried being polite to me, but I totally ignored her. That made Naruto angry, but Sakura held him back from lunging at me once again. Since he couldn't do anything to me he resulted in just saying some mean things.

It did hurt a little, but I ignored it. No matter how much I disliked the leaf shinobi for what they did to my clan, I still wanted to get along with Kakashi because he wasn't like all the others.

I ended up training till Kakashi finally got here as well. He gave us some lame excuse, which was obviously a lie. Both Naruto and Sakura disliked it, but personally I found it kind of funny. Kakashi noticed it as well, which made him give me a warm smile.

Kakashi finally decided to tell us about the mission we were doing. He told as that the deceased member of the Akatsuki, Sasori had a spy with Orochimaru. The spy was supposed to meet Sasori in about a week at some bridge somewhere.

I don't remember exactly where, but it's fine because at least Kakashi does. If an Uchiha trusted him, then why shouldn't I, right?

When we arrived near the bridge Kakashi wanted to use his transformation jutsu to transform in to Sasori and go to the meeting place, but I retaliated because I believed that if I used my transformation jutsu mixed with some wood style jutsu I'd be more believable.

Kakashi refused at first, but after thinking through the suggested plan and figuring out how it would be the safest he finally agreed to it.

After the plan was set in stone I started walking towards the bridge as Sasori and the rest of team Kakashi were in hiding ready to both strike and jump in to protect me in case something went wrong.

When I finally got there, there were already two people waiting.

Wait! Two people? Why was there two? I thought that Sasori had a spy not multiple. Could one of the two be a double spy? In that case the other one is most probably Orochimaru...

I kept walking towards the two until I was attacked by one of the two with snakes? Why does this seem familiar? So he's Orochimaru!

Since I anticipated an attack already I managed to block enough of the attack to be unharmed, but my disguise was destroyed.

"What? Wood Style? That's impossible! You can't be one of my subjects!"

My team jumped out of hiding.

"That's because I'm not."

"Interesting..." was all the creep said with a strange smile on his face.

Kakashi then jumped in front of me to protect me because it seemed like he knew what Orochimaru was thinking.

A battle flung out between my team and the two strangers.

I fought even though Kakashi told me to stay back. I know he only wanted what's best for me, but I'm also not made out of glass. I can protect myself.

At some point through the battle something happened. Naruto started turning into something and had this strange aura like thing surrounding his entire body.

Kakashi then immediately started telling me to use my wood style jutsu on him and how to it, but I ignored him.

I started walking towards the boy. Kakashi kept yelling at me to both listen to him and not go much closer because I'd get hurt. Of course I didn't give a shit. I kept going. Until I was in front of the blonde.

I yelled "Listen to me!" and tried to hit him, but I failed badly. My fist didn't move him at all, it didn't even touch him. It was stopped by the strange aura around him.

Then one of the tails that grew from the aura like thing slapped me hard into the ground away from him.

Kakashi ran to me to make sure I was okay and Sakura stood not moving an inch, still shocked about what was happening to Naruto.

I stood up and walked to Naruto again even though Kakashi tried to stop me.

I waited a few seconds. Then I clutched my fists.

I tried punching him again, but this time with more force and energy and yelled again "Naruto, listen to MEEEE!"

At first when my fist was once again in contact with the aura like thing it seemed like it was going to fail again, but then...

The end of my sentence that I yelled turned into a roar and my eyes turned glowing blue. I kept pushing my fist until it actually made contact with Naruto's face.

I noticed a change in his eyes after that. A bit of Naruto was back.

I threw a kunai into the air and caught it afterwards.

What I was trying to do was kind of interrupted. One of Orochimaru's snakes bit me on my right shoulder.

I knew it was bad, but it wasn't my priority. My priority was getting Naruto back to normal.

"Naruto, copy me. Do everything I do. Just this once trust me on this, okay?"

He only growled in pain a little bit.

I then used the kunai in my hand to stab my leg. Everyone was confused at my action except for Naruto. He didn't have enough strength to both listen to me and question my actions.

Naruto then did exactly what I told him to.

I noticed that one of the tails disappeared, but it wasn't enough.

I started twisting the kunai in my leg, so did he until he was back to normal.

Naruto was about to fall on the ground. I caught him and before he passed out he whispered two words to me "Thank you..."

While gently laying him on the ground "You're welcome"

I then quickly stood up and used the kunai again, but this time on my shoulder, where the bite was and apparently where a curse mark was forming.

Sakura was already healing Naruto and Kakashi was shocked about what I was doing and tried to slowly approach me.

I twisted the kunai and pushed it deeper for the blood to start leaving my body faster.

Kakashi finally asked the burning question "What are you doing?"

When I was almost out of blood and about to faint I answered him "It's still a snake bite. It doesn't matter if it's supposed to leave behind a curse mark instead of venom. Orochimaru is clever for using this technique, but it does have a loop hole. I just need to get the so called venom out before it starts to take effect. "

After answering Kakashi I fainted from the loss of blood.

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