Buaji puts her foot down

Start from the beginning

Their families stood besides Manorama, watching the pair, some with amusement and others with concern.

Blushing fiercely, Akash and Payal broke apart. "Such a shame," Manorama said to her. "I wanted to introduce you to all my guests but I didn't get the chance."

Payal started to apologize but Akash cut in. "It was my fault, Ma. I monopolized all her time. I'm sure you'll get the chance to introduce her to your guests next time."

Manorama bit her lip to hold in her scream. Next time? The whole point of this event had been to ensure that there would be no next time.

But the night wasn't over yet. That girl's Buaji was right here. Manorama opened her mouth to make a cutting remark but before she could, Payal said, "Thank you so much for inviting us. Anjali Ma'am told us you put this whole event together in four days--I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes."

She almost responded sarcastically but Akash didn't give her the chance. "I told you my mother was an amazing woman, Payal Ji."

"And so gracious too, for including us in the festivities," Khushi added.

Anjali and N.K. piped up with compliments of their own. Distracted by the flattery, Manorama beamed. "When challenges come hello hi, Manorama makes them go bye-bye," she preened.

Her frazzled events planner, who'd overheard the last bit of exchange as she supervised the clean-up, barely managed to hold in her snort.

Khushi's phone buzzed, indicating that their uber had arrived. Perfect timing, she thought.

As she, Payal and Buaji made their way outside, Khushi reflected on the night. It had gone better than she expected. A twinge of annoyance pricked her as she remembered an intense gaze and a deep voice.

"Betrayal hurts less from people you don't care for."

Screw him. What did he know anyway?


Arnav studied the reflection of the night sky in the dark waters of his pool. Why'd he think she'd understand? Not even Di, who'd suffered everything alongside him, understood.

Wanting to protect Akash wasn't wrong. He'd already let his guard down once, when it came to Shyam. Di had survived the emotional turmoil but Akash would never be able to.

He couldn't trust anyone, not when he felt that Akash's life was at stake.

"There's no cure for fear or prejudice. Only time can prove you wrong, Mr. Raizada."

He shook the memory of dark flashing eyes and flushed cheeks from his mind.

Screw her. What did she know anyway?


"Good morning, everyone!" NK said cheerfully as he sat down.

"Good morning," chorused Aarav, Anjali, Akash, Devyani and Manohar in reply. Arnav never answered anyway but Manorama's silence was unusual.

"What's wrong, Maasi Ji?" he asked as he reached for a slice of toast.

"Nothing, NK bitwa," she mustered a smile. In truth, she was disappointed by how last night's event had gone. She had neither humiliated Payal nor shown Akash that his love interest didn't belong in their world. She needed to think of something else.

"Well, I have good news," he announced.

"Oh, tell me," she exclaimed. She could use good news right about now.

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