Chapter 35

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The atmosphere in the room was charged.

Marian wondered that nobody else seemed to feel it. Her father was so oblivious as to ask her what's wrong and had she not been so on edge she might have laughed.

Everything is wrong.

The moment she'd learned that Guy was planning on celebrating the king's birthday and that she and her father were to join him in the celebrations, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. To say that she'd smelt a rat was an understatement. They'd had to show their faces though; anything else was out of the question so despite acute feelings of dread and foreboding, Marian forced herself to play the role of dutiful daughter and polite guest.

The sight of their host in cheerful mood had not made her feel any better. On the contrary, everything about him made her feel as if her skin was two sizes too tight. That strange intensity that seemed to emanate from him was at fever pitch this day and if the way Winchester had always looked at her disgusted her, then the way Gisborne was looking at her positively frightened her.

Was it possible for two people to be more opposed? It was so obvious to her, the wrongness of their betrothal and yet he was so sure, so determined, so resolute - she wondered what, if anything, could bring him from it.

In the past, he had shown himself to be receptive to her views, open to suggestions or ideas from her, able to take a hint (even when dealt rejection). Alas, no longer - he was now so wilfully oblivious that not even a punch in the face would presumably wake him from the dream world he was living in.

We shall both be miserable. Can he not see that?

Was this about taming her perhaps? Forcing her to toe the line? And if so, what exactly was he prepared to do to make her? How far would he go? Worst of all, what would the sheriff make him do? She feared Guy but could at least hope for a modicum of compassion or lenience from him but Vaisey? Forget it.

The best she could hope for was that King Richard continued his campaign in the holy land for as long as possible and that Guy and the sheriff didn't make her life a living hell in the interim.

Speaking of which...

"My lords, ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your attendance here today. As you know we're here to celebrate the king's birthday, we wish him every success in the holy land and we pray for his speedy return to these shores."

The look directed at Marian from Guy as he uttered these words made her feel deeply uncomfortable, she had an idea of what was about to happen but silently prayed that it wouldn't.

To no avail, for Guy raised a toast to their sovereign before announcing that which she would never in a million years care to announce: "I myself have a particular reason to hope for the king's early return to England, for when that day comes this fair lady, Marian, has consented to be my wife."

Cheering from the nobles in attendance - a surreal experience for the woman in question. One she had little time to dwell on though for Guy was keen on prolonging her torment.

"Before I toast to my future bride, there is something that I would like to present to her..." he produced a ring from his pocket and then in a moment of absurdity, asked permission to place the ring on her finger: "May I?"

"You leave me little choice." She gritted out.

"I thought you'd already made your choice." His tone was cold as ice - a glaring contrast to the warmth of seconds earlier.

"I have..."

Yes she had, but when caught between the devil and the deep blue sea you still have to make a choice. She'd made the best of it. She'd chosen him over taking her chances with the sheriff. She didn't like it though and were it not for her father, she doubted that she would find it in her to pretend that she did.

"This means so much to you doesn't it?"

Why? Why does it? Why do you want this so badly when it is obvious that I do not?

"This means everything to me. Have I not expressed myself? You mean everything to me."

Oh God, please don't say that.

She glanced at the ring now firmly ensconced upon her finger and repressed the urge to squirm as he held her hand up to show everybody the symbol of their future union.

"My lords and ladies, I give you the future Lady Gisborne."

Cheers all round once more. Marian wondered if any of this was real. This was surely the part where she woke up, no?

"Did I miss the speeches?"


Her heart soared and she bit back a smile as the goblet flew out of Guy's hand. Robin's arrow had hit it's mark perfectly, just as it always did. A moment later however, the urge to smile left her completely.

"I was just about to ask the same question..."

The breath stopped in her throat. Oh God.

His voice was as oily as it always had been. She'd once thought that nobody could top Vaisey when it came to oiliness but here he was to remind her that in that respect, he was unrivalled.

"Uninvited guests! I had not thought myself so popular." Guy deadpanned, looking to the new arrival at the door. Marian was surprised at his composure but then again he was brandishing a nasty looking dagger and had not yet noticed Robin's men stealthily surrounding the attendees with the intention of ridding them of their valuables directly.

"Come Gisborne, we are old friends are we not? That is no way to greet a well-wisher surely?" The latest guest to the party stepped out of the shadows and Marian heard a gasp from her father, as he recognised him.

Guy scowled and was about to reply when Robin interrupted: "Good evening fellow gatecrasher, do come in and join our party, we were about to get to the main event..."

"Robin I warn you not to do anything!" The strain in Edward's voice was palpable, as was the tension in the air.

"Ah! You must be the former Earl of Huntingdon! I've heard so much about you from Sir Edward!"

Robin looked at the man as if he had a screw loose which he must have to be standing there chatting so genially just before they were about to relieve him of his finery.

"You are a friend of Sir Edward? Perhaps he was so kind as to mention my current line of work?" Robin turned to aim his bow and arrow at their talkative guest to emphasize his point.

He remained unimpressed. "No! He did not! But then it has been a long time since I was here last, I was saving my visit for a special occasion you know and well, today is the day!"

Guy narrowed his eyes. The gall of the man. To crash his party.

"You see Gisborne, I too have a happy announcement to make and you are lucky enough to hear it from me first..."

"Who in God's name are you?" Much interrupted, sick of the inane chatter.

"I, dear friends, am Lord Harold of Winchester and..." he dragged an unassuming looking girl forward to stand at his side, "I would like to present to you my fiancée, Lady Francesca Cavendish."

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