Chapter 34

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"Will. You. Marry. Me?"

Guy knew Marian had betrayed him.

He didn't know how she'd come into possession of the necklace once more but he was not a fool. He knew what she'd done and what her punishment should be, but in that moment, when faced with the possibility of delivering her to her fate, he'd decided against it.

Soft in the head as always. Would sooner bind yourself to a traitor than watch her hang.

He surprised himself in this for he did not love her; indeed his attentions towards her thus far had been merely to get the better of Robin Hood. Or so he'd thought. That had been the reason he'd become interested in her certainly, but lately he had to admit that things had changed.

It was her goodness perhaps. Her strength of character. Her open defiance of the Sheriff, in helping the people of Clun had impressed him, as had her bravery whilst receiving her punishment.

The call to continue the Gisborne line was strong, it always had been and now that he was back in possession of the Gisborne lands, the desire to cement what he had with a wife and child was stronger than ever.

Perhaps stronger than reason.

Her betrayal stung. It rocked him to his core. He had a long memory where such things were concerned and was not sure that he would ever get over it which made his decision to protect her all the more surprising. He was at war with himself; torn between the part of him that longed to have her redeem him and the dark wish to exact revenge by forcing upon her the very thing she so obviously did not want, namely, marriage to him.

He'd realised early on that she was not inclined to think well of him. He had eyes in his head and had been through this before; the pull of attraction was no guarantee of affection, he'd learned that one the hard way but he'd hoped that with Marian things might be different; that in time she might come to feel differently.

Giving Hood the necklace and the location of the unguarded silver had changed all that.

He was done playing nicely.

Now he had her exactly where he wanted her and the more she resisted, the tighter his grip upon her would be.

For better or worse Lady Gisborne.


To say that Marian was horrified at this turn of events was an understatement.

She kept playing it over and over in her mind, trying to figure out how exactly she'd gotten into this dire situation. She'd pushed her luck too far this time, she could admit this to herself now, she'd underestimated Guy and overestimated her ability to charm her way out of trouble where he was concerned.

Her only comfort was that at least she'd had the presence of mind to hold him at bay with a stipulation: the union would take place when the king returns.

It had been her saving grace for it was unlikely that King Richard would be returning any time soon, although to watch Guy strutting as proud as a peacock you would never think that she'd actually got one over him on this one.

Men and their pride... put a pretty decoration on their arm and they think they're really something.

That was what this was all about Marian was sure of it. Guy could not want her for her mind, for the things she believed in - he scarcely knew her and up until recently had hardly paid her notice. How strange then that he'd gone from indifference to ardour in the short period of time since Robin's return.

Bring a rival into the mix and see how it spurs them on.

All she needed now was Winchester to turn up and make the sorry mess complete.

Don't tempt the devil with idle thoughts Marian.


"I despise Robin Hood."

She didn't have to say that.

Gisborne never prompted her to make such a confession. He mentioned their betrothal yes, but had not forced her to denounce him. She'd said a number of hurtful things since his return and he'd been able to take it on the chin, understanding her anger towards him but this time she'd hit him hard and he'd been in a stupor ever since.

"He's not coming back anytime soon so you can put your mind at ease on that one."

God bless Much. He hated to see his friend upset and would do anything to cheer him. Even if it meant having to change his mind about something he'd been hoping for of late; the return of King Richard.

"I know." Robin replied, his agitation evident in the strained tone of his voice.

"And even if the king did come home, she'd not have him." Much didn't have to say who was meant.

"I'm not so sure Much."

"Oh please! As if she'd ever have feelings for that overgrown leather clad..." Much struggled, as so often, to find a suitable insult.

"Creep?" Robin offered.

"Yes exactly!" Much nodded his head encouragingly and it made Robin smile.

It didn't take long for him to sink back into dejection however. "She said she despises me."

"What!?" Much's eyes widened in shock. "When?"

"After she accepted Gisborne." Robin closed his eyes, remembering how galling it had been to hear her say the words.

"So she said it to him?"

Robin nodded.

"Well that explains it. She'd say whatever she had to to him wouldn't she? Doesn't mean she means it though."

"That's just it Much, she didn't have to say it." Robin exhaled long and slow, weariness at the situation hanging heavy upon him.

"Well you know how it is with him and the sheriff don't you? They make people do and say all sorts of things..." Much began.

"Not Marian." Robin interrupted.

Nobody makes Marian do or say anything she doesn't want to.

It had always been one of the things he'd most admired about her.

"Yes but it isn't just about her is it? They've probably threatened Sir Edward."

That gave Robin pause for thought. If they were going to coerce her into anything then that would be the way to do it. Robin smiled gratefully at Much, glad that he'd raised that point. Marian would do or say anything to keep her father out of danger and as relieved as he felt knowing that she most likely did not despise him, it hadn't changed the fact that now she was engaged to his enemy.

"Look I'm not a wise man, I can admit that..."

Much surprised himself with his own admission here and the look on his face paired with the words made Robin grin for although they were both in no doubt as to who was the brains of their outfit, it still took a great deal for Much to openly acknowledge it.

"... but if there's one thing I do know it's that she doesn't hate you and she doesn't love him."

Robin hugged his friend. He was truly the best man he'd ever known.

"Thank you."

Much hugged him back.

They'd find a way through this somehow. They always did.

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