Chapter 4

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sorry this took me so long I've been lacking inspiration/motivation to write lately but let's get on with it yeah

Donnie's point of view: (gasp she can change the point of view!!!!(Yesss I can jerk face))

Mikey really had me worried about what happened last night and then him avoiding me in the lounge. I know that maybe I was being pushy but I just can't help it. With all that, we do our lives are constantly in danger and I can't help getting worried. 

Though I and Mikey have complained about Leo and Raph doing the same thing... Ugh, I hate it when I'm in the wrong. I should go give him an apologie I tell myself firmly. But I still drag my feet a bit admitting your wrong is always just a bit hard even if its at the back of your head. but its made ten times worse when it involves a sibling. 

Like I love all my brother but I would sell anyone of them to satan for a corn chip on a good day. Don't ask about bad days. 

But that's not the point I attempt to remind myself the point is to say you're sorry to Mikey for beeing all creepy and clingy. 

After he left I went to my lab (no surprise there) so I went out to talk to him to immediately notice the giant leathery mass of green in my home.  I panicked for a second then realized it was just Mikey's best friend leatherhead. 

Then I panicked again. Me and the big guy don't have the best history He keeps grabbing my face I keep saying krang its a mutual distrust. 

But both of us are usually the ones to act civilly out of everyone else paired with the fact two of us being Mikeys two best buds we try our best to get along. And we are usually successful as long as we watch our selves somewhat we actually get along. 

And it is actually is a bit of a relief that out of all his friends to have over he would choose leatherhead.  He seems to think of himself as Mikey's protector and won't let himself make his injuries worse. 

With that cheerful thought, I continued on my way towards the two.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2019 ⏰

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