Chapter 2

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Mikey's point of view:

'ugggggh what hit me' I look around to see my room in all its messy glory. I feel like I got hit with a truck. I look down to see my leg bandaged. And then notice my arm is a sling. Then there is a knock at my door.

"Hey, Mikey are you up?" Donnie asks gently through my door. I let out a grunt he must have taken a yes. And he entered.

"Hey ya I'm up and on that note what's up D." I joked giggling. He came into my room sighing.

"ugggh Mikey enough with the bad puns. Leo wants to have you at least sit in at practice alright?"

"Yeah yeah, D I will be right there."

"Ok see you in a few." He started putting more emphases on the last words cause I might have a slight habit of just going back to sleep. Don't judge me sleep and I am a forbidden romance torn apart by my brothers. I let out an exaggerated sigh and haul myself up and to the dojo.

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When I get into the dojo I notice all of my older brothers starring at me worriedly so I flash them a smile and go to sit down at the side. Then they get on with it you know the normal katas sparring meditation. When they are finally done I'm ecstatic I felt like I was going to explode but tried to be quiet and still as possible. No easy feat since I have ADHD but I stuck it out.

When I snapped out of my musings I noticed my bros were getting ready to leave and got up to join them. Wincing slightly when I put pressure on my bad leg causing a sharp inhale. The looked at me quickly nothing goes unnoticed in a ninja family like mine after a short standoff they make the first move.

Leo takes a step forward with worrying shining in his eyes softly muttering "are you ok Mikey?" I nod knowing that my voice would hold traces of pain. They all knew this technique but didn't say anything which I am immensely grateful for.

We all quickly went to the kitchen for breakfast and I was stupid scared. They are endearingly (read annoyingly) overprotective brothers who probably won't let me cook but I usually ban them from my precious kitchen to try and spare it from their monstrous cooking. To my utter relief, we had cereal. 

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