Rather than answering with the sarcastic comment I had readied in my mind, I pull the two gifts for the Clearwaters out from under the coffee table in front of me and hand them to the corresponding member of the Pack, "Hey Kid. This is from me. I hope you like it because if not, I'll be really mad. And this is for you Leah."

Leah pulls out my gift from the shimmering tissue paper, running her thin fingers faintly over the carvings and the glass of the picture frame as she smiles down at the image, "Thank you Kota. This is beautiful."

"I figured for my first birthday here you gave me that frame with me and Sam. So I'd make one for you with a picture of you, Seth, and your dad. Sue gave me a picture."

Seth gasped, redirecting my attention from the sentimental moment his sister and I had to his excitement, "Dude, is this what I think it is?"

"That hoodie that you told me you wanted when we were shopping for our wedding clothes, yes."

Seth pulls it on over his clothes then tries his best to hug me from the angle he was at, failing miserably, "Thank you, Kods. You're the best."

"Well, Dad, we didn't have time to wrap yours, but here it is," Bella gives Charlie a piece of paper. "It's a 5-day fishing trip to Fraser River. It's for you and Sue."

Edward smirks down at me, "You leave tomorrow."

"Wow, that's really nice. Thank you. Tomorrow?" Charlie asks, reality hitting him again from the kindness of their selfish gesture. "I can't leave tomorrow."

Sue comes in from the kitchen, taking a seat on his lap, "I made arrangements for you at work."

"Sneaky. And extravagant," Charlie frowns at me, figuring I had something to do with the gift because I'm the only one who knows anything about fishing and that it's his favorite yet most expensive spot to fish at.

Edward smirks, knowing that he's won the battle, "And non-refundable, I'm afraid."

"You guys trying to get rid of me?" He asks the three of us which makes all of us including Sue go quiet, hoping that he hadn't caught on to anything we've been whispering about today. "Because it's working! Fraser River. That means we'll be chasing Cutthroat."

"We might even hook a Rainbow or some Bulls," Sue adds, surprising Charlie and I. Then my surprise quickly fades, making me dart my eyes at Sue's children, when I remember that her late husband was Charlie's fishing partner for years.

"Woman knows her trout."

Bella kneels down to see the present that Jake had given Ness, seeing the woven bracelet that Jake had made, "Hey, beautiful. Let me see. Jacob make this for you? Wanna put it on?"

Bella puts the bracelet on her daughter's wrist as Ness coos, "It's so pretty."

"It is really pretty," Bella agrees, turning to Edward and I smiling. I'm not sure if Bella is aware of the significance of that bracelet but I continue to smile at them, admiring the beauty of the woven bracelet.

"Not as pretty as you, Lovebug," I chuckle, sliding over to her.

Ness grabs two presents out from in front of her, the one I put in her pile from me and a neatly wrapped blue box that I'm assuming she wrapped herself because you could see the unnecessary amounts of tape on the edges, "Open my present Kody, it's the blue one."

"This one? Oohh sounds like it's a good present," I laugh, shaking the box next to my ear as I hear very little movement in the big box. Her giggles filled the room as she swatted at my hands, instructing me to stop shaking the box, "What is it? Help me open it Kiddo."

"Okay," Renesmee begins to help me rip at the paper, as all eyes were on us as if we were the only things that mattered.

We got it down to the brown cardboard box, where I ripped off the scotch tape revealing a brightly colored case. It was a violin case that Ness had painted. "Okay. So what is it? It's a... Case for my violin?"

Ness beamed at me, ecstatic that I guessed correctly on the first try, "Yes! See I painted it just for you! It's got your name and I drew our family. See that's me, Mommy, Daddy, Uncles Emmett, Jasper, Paul and Aunts Alice, Rosalie. And I drew Grandma Esme and Grandpa Carlisle and I drew Sue and Grandpa Charlie. And then there's Jake, Leah and Seth next to Paul."

I inspect her beautiful painting of our big, unconventional family then to her, "That's very beautiful. Thank you Lovebug, very sweet. That's by far my favorite gift ever."

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