1: I think i am falling for you

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Jahk Morrison in this story is Madison Beer^^^ and it's pronounced "Jack"


August 24th

2 days before the first day of senior year

This all felt like a weird dream..me here standing on stage singing in front of these people and  hearing them clapping and cheering for me.

"Hey..are you up now ?" I open my eyes trying to adjust them to the light. I nodded as a stretch my arms...

"You where out for a while kiddo" the blonde hair and green eye lady beamed at me. (She must be the nurse I thought she looked awfully young) I blushed "Sorry it's been a long night" I wiped my eyes she nodded her head and smiled " I could imagine, your a caring daughter...I'm your mother's new doctor my name is Doctor Farris , But you can call me Amanda"

My eyes went wide "D-Doctor you look-"..she cut me of "Young I know I get that a lot" she giggled " I guess the pound of makeup is doing wonders for me" she joked.

I laughed (she's funny) I thought

"Where my mom"? I questioned as a looked into the empty hospital bed. "Oh she went to the bathroom..When she gets back we'll talked about the plans for her treatments. If that's ok with you" Dr.Farris said as she looked through my mom's files "yeah, no that's more than ok" I just need to be out of here in a hour I have to go school shopping" I stated as I checked my phone.

"Well we will be done in 5 minutes tops" she said as she typed on her computer. I quickly threw on my shoes and texted my grandpa, the click of a door was heard a nurse was rolling my mom in the room from her little bathroom trip. She blow a kiss to me and smile I stood up and hugged the life out of her. "Hey mom" I said as I squeezed her

"Hi darling..I see you met Dr.Farris isn't she just the prettiest" she said as the nurse help her in the hospital bed.

"Yes she is" I nodded

" So..Miss Cooper it appears that you have been paralyzed for 2 months now and your charts say that might be from your on going fight with cancer of the brain..your where diagnosed with it back in 2015 and you have had 3 surgeries on your brain. And two on your spine" she read from the files

"Look I know...I maybe a challenge but your my last resort" my mom expressed teary-eyed. I leaned over and grabbed my mom's hand and rubbed it

"Hey look this is what I'm here for to help you and to face a challenge, that's why I love this job so much" Dr.Farris said as she held back tears. She turned towards me " I know exactly what you're going through I've been through it with my dad and it's not easy...I know, but you need a strong support system and I'm here to be that support system" she said as she hugged me then my mom. I didn't even notice I was crying.. sometimes going though this you eventually become numb to it but not numb enough..

... 10 minutes later

" yeah so I'll contact you Monday evening and we will take it from there..ok? If you have any questions call me and I will be more then happy to answer it" Dr.Farris said as I hugged her and kissed my mom on the cheek goodbye

"Bye mom see you Monday" she waved goodbye to me "bye dear and don't forget to call me" she yawned " I won't love you" I said as I gave her one more hug.

I rushed out the door and down the hall

I speed dial my Grandpa's number"yeah..hey I'm coming outside to you now I just got done talking to mom's new doctor...yeah she is amazing.." I beamed on the phone

"Yeah. she like an angel sent from heave-" I squealed as I fly down a flight of stairs. By the time I land at the bottom I hit my head like three times and I'm pretty sure I fractured my ankle..and my phone screen was shattered. I cried out as two doctors came running to my aid.

They where asking  so many questions like. Where does it hurt?, and I'm I ok? All I could do was cry they picked my up in placed me in a wheelchair and ran me down to get an x-ray.

Once they gave me a cast for my ankle that was definitely fractured and my head that definitely was bruised up with cuts and scratches with different wraps and bandages. I call my grandpa back to tell him that we wouldn't be going shopping today.

They had me lay down while they ran a few more tests but I was highly irritated because not only was I not going shopping but whoever was behind the other curtain was really loud and not making my head any better. So I grabbed my Crutches and attempt to march over there..

But that didn't work so I hopped in my wheel chair "Hey I would love you for you to keep down please" I said in a soft tone

The guy looked up from his book "Hi I'm Kamden but all my friends call me Kam" he waved " I'm Jahk?"

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter for I will try to update you guy when I can but..

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