Dumb things that happened in elementary school

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Before we start, here are some good things that happened: they showed us stuff like Reading Rainbow, Bill Nye, we watched the Polar Express in 3rd grade, and there might be some other stuff.. so basically they treated us like 90s kids.

One of the many things this school did was not let a kid back inside the school when they thought we would be inside for recess, now on this day it was snowing and it was cold, now this kid had 2 people by them trying to keep them warm so they didn't freeze. Because obviously they thought we would be inside and didn't bring their snow stuff.

My third grade teacher in general, no one really liked her at all. She would yell at us for no reason, most of us that go yelled at didn't deserve it. It might not be a big deal, but imagine being excited for moving up a grade only to get a teacher that mainly yells at you. 

Later on I have different teachers, now at the time my teacher had to leave because she had a baby. Now the substitute however, seemed to like honors students more. I know this because my friend who was an honors student and was crying when the substitute was leaving, I also had another friend that didn't have honors like me that dealt with that teacher, she yelled at us and would give you a bad grade when you deserved a passing grade. 

I had this Elvis backpack that I used for a bit, these girls who were behind me would say 'cover your eyes', it isn't dumb. Just really annoying honestly.

Another thing was the newnades we had during recess/lunch, now this was during recess. This one newnade preferred looking after the younger kids. When the older kids were out she would yell at us, want to keep the line straight for when we were going back into the school. So, me and the other kids started marching when we had to go in, I know we said some stuff when marching in. I don't remember it though, I'm sure we pissed her off.

Making the older kids go outside for recess, and have the younger kids stay inside. It was really cold, I still don't understand why they did that.

This is just a few stuff, there is probably more that I can't remember.

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