Some stuff about me

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Yes, I have some of this in my bio for the admin part. Just decided to add it, maybe with some facts about me and other stuff. This will probably be split into parts if I come up with more ideas.

Well I don't know what name I would call myself, because I really don't like my name. Maybe I'll think of something eventually. 

I'm 15

My top favorite bands would either be: The Rolling Stones, Queen,  or The Doors. I like many other musicians, but it would be a long list. 

For some reason I hated the Beatles and Michael Jackson when I was younger, so about around toddler age to-2018 maybe? I don't know why I did honestly-

I was born on May 11, Eric Burdon was also born on that day. So that's cool I guess. 

I prefer records more

Most times I don't know how to respond to certain stuff, so sorry if you think I'm ignoring you, either that or I didn't get a notification

So you know how internet explorer is really slow? Sometimes my brain will be like that with what I thought I should have said instead, or just trying to process what's going on.

I would probably fight someone for Rolling Stones tickets, sadly they aren't coming to my state..

I really like horror movies, preferably the older ones.

Now this one isn't really about me. But I'm homeschooled/do online school, we still have some clubs.. they played some older songs by The Rolling Stones, they said Sympathy For The Devil was played when Meredith Hunter was stabbed, but if  I remember correctly it was Under My Thumb? They also played The Doors and The Beatles, and some of them were hating on all of them. I usually respect others opinions, but it gets kinda annoying/upsetting when people are hating on bands you like.

I really like cosplay even though I haven't done it in awhile, my first and only one so far was Loki.

I like Stephen King books/movies

I want to be a musician when I'm older, and base my band off of many other bands. Especially The Rolling Stones, I don't want it to seem like we are copying them. I just wanna show inspiration and have songs like them. If that makes sense, but tbh I can't write songs. But I also want it to be how music was made back then.

This is just some stuff about me, I might make another part for stuff about me.

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