The stalker

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It didn't take long for us to reach the safe house once inside we scouted around to see what it had to offer. This safe house was well supplied it had ammunition, food and drink, comfortable couches, medical supplies, and surprisingly enough working electricity.

At least I didn't need to jimmy-rig the electrical systems to get the power working this time. I thought as Zoey walked over with a med kit.

"Stay still this is gonna hurt a bit." Zoey said as she pulled out some medical supplies.

"Damn that stings." I said as through gritted teeth as Zoey started to disinfect the claw mark on my back.

"Mate okay?" Eve asked

"Yeah I'll be alright Eve." I said as I pet her head.

"There I'm all done," Zoey said a few minutes later as she put up the last of the gauze and finished bandaging me up.

"Thanks for patching me up Zoey." I said as I slipped on a new hoodie and put the old one in my duffel bag.

"Your welcome." Zoey said as she sat down to relax.

"You know that was a pretty ballsy gamble you did back there y/n." Bill said.

"Yeah I know but at least it worked out in the end." I said as I tried to relax and not irritate my wounds.

"True but next time can you try not to pull a gamble like that again I like my life." Francis said knocking back a drink he raided from the fridge.

"I make no promises." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Well I don't know about y'all but I'm gonna get some sleep wake me up if something happens." I said as I pulled out my sleeping bag.

As I was laying down I glanced out the window and saw something looking at me from the building over. I rubbed my eyes and looked again and whatever was there was gone.

Weird. I thought before I went to sleep.

Throughout the week I've been getting little glimpses of someone or thing looking at me from the shadows. When I was eating could feel it staring, when I was trying to sleep I could feel it starting, when I was naked in the bathroom I could definitely feel whatever it was that was starting at me. Even now I can feel its eyes on the back of my head.

"Hey dose anyone else feel like we're being watched?" I asked while we were making our way down the road in search of some supplies.

"Not really why?" Francis asked

"I can't shake the feeling something is watching me." I said before I felt something out of place well more like smelt something that wasn't supposed to be there.

"There's a hoard coming." I said pointing to the left of the next intersection.

"What makes you say that?" Louis asked.

"The nose knows." I said and no sooner did I say that and a zombie started walking out from around the corner.

"I think your nose needs to get checked there's only one." Francis said.

"Give it a moment." I said and soon that one zombie turned into two then five then to a fuckton.

"How did you?" Bill asked

"As I said the nose knows." I said getting ready for the hoard or at least I would have if the one armed hillbilly didn't blindside me into the closest alleyway.

"Y/N / MATE!" The others yelled.

"I'M FINE JUST TAKE CARE OF THE HOARD!" I yelled out before disappearing into the alleyway with the charger and out onto another street. Five shotgun shots followed by a thump were heard coming from the alleyway before it became quiet.

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