A shocking development

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The next day came and the guards came in gave us our food then proceeded to watch us until max gave the word to bring me in for another fight. That became the routine for the week they fed us, watched over us then later on I'm escorted out to fight another battle for the entertainment of the masses.

"Tomorrow's fight is supposed to be exciting." The guard said to himself as he remembered what max had told his security guards.

"What're you talking about?" Zoey asked having heard the man talking to himself.

"Not like it's gonna matter but Max said something about having a special surprise for the new gladiator's next fight." The guard said.

Oh great what's that jackass planning this time I thought.

"What do you think max is planning to do to you tomorrow?" Bill asked.

"No clue it's not like any of us have an idea of what goes on in that twisted mind of his." I said.

"Very true." Zoey said.

The day passed like any other with me doing the same routine and my dread increased as today was supposed to be special. Like routine we're fed and later I'm escorted out to the arena where I see max in his favorite spot in the crowd.

"Alright max what's this surprise you have for me?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm glad you asked take a look behind you." Max said gesturing to something that was a little above my head.

Deciding to humor him I turned around and what I saw shocked me. Above the entrance gate I came in through was the girls bound with black collars around their necks.

"What's going on max why are they here?" I asked

"What you complained you wanted to see them again I just made it happen." Max said

"What's with the collars?" I asked aggressively.

"Oh that's part of the surprise today." Max said nonchalantly.

"What's that supposed to mean." I asked.

"It's like this in this match you must avoid getting hit at all costs or else they'll be given electric shocks for each hit you take now then let the games begin!" Max said and no sooner than he finished that sentence two tanks came out the other gate.

"Two tanks and nothing but melee weapons to fight them with your an asshole max." I said more to myself as I rolled out of the way of the car one of the tanks had thrown my way.

As I got up I tried to grab any weapons that were close by tried being the key word there. Why because every time I got close to a weapon I had to dodge something the tanks threw at me.

"Miss me miss me now you gotta wait never mind." I said before ducking under another car that was launched at me.

With my focus on the opponents in front of me I hadn't noticed one of the guards threw something over my head. When said object was in my view it was to late to do anything as the object exploded in a bright flash of light.

"Damn that's bright!" I yelled and in my temporary blind state one of the tanks gut punched me with enough force to send me flying to the other side of the arena. Though I couldn't see clearly when I landed I could still hear the girls screams as they were electrocuted.

Male reader x Left4Deadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें