"Well that's depressing," Leroy shook his head. "Poor Ox. At least he's back again now. Well, maybe it's a pity he's back, actually." 

"He fancies a goal against City, doesn't he," Lia chuckled at him.

Leroy leaned over and kissed her to stop her from saying any more.

"Stop teasing me," he murmured against her lips, and Lia smiled into the kiss, returning it with passion.

"Maybe I'll keep doing it if you're going to react like that every time."

"Please don't," he chuckled. "You don't need to wind me up to get me to kiss you, you can do that any day of the week."

"I'll bear it in mind," she said, kissing him again.

Meanwhile, Virgil had managed to get Harriet involved in their team holiday again, and the two were heading out on a double date with Trent and Harmony.

"Where are we actually going?" Harriet asked Virgil, as they waited for the other two to get their stuff ready. They were planning to use the car that Ox had hired the other day. It had become the communal car, to some extent.

"I'm not entirely sure," Virgil responded, smiling at his soulmate, and reaching out to tuck a straying piece of hair back into place. "This was Trent's idea. I assume he knows what he's doing."

"I'm nervous, to be honest," said Harriet, looking at him with wide, brown eyes.

"You're nervous?" Virg asked. "Why's that?"

"What if they don't really like me that much?" She said, and Virg could sense the nervousness in her voice.

"What, Trent and Harmony? They will love you, I can promise you that. You're all really open and honest people, two feet on the ground, heart in the right place... you'll love each other."

"Okay, I'll believe you," Harriet smiled at his choice of words. Virgil returned her smile, and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

It was only a short drive from the Bay to their destination, but in the ten minutes or so that they were in the car for, Harriet and Harmony had the chance to form the beginnings of a friendship, and were already ganging up on the two guys, but especially Trent, who would forever be reactive, and easy to tease. Virgil was sat in the passenger's seat beside Trent, who was driving, but every so often he looked in the rear view mirror to smile at Harriet. He was happy that they got on well already.

"Is that a lighthouse?" Asked Harmony, leaning over the seat in front of her, and peering through the front windscreen. "Trent, are you taking us to a lighthouse?"

"Maybe," he turned to smile at her briefly, before he returned his gaze to the road.

"That's actually really cool," Harriet said. "Can we tour inside it, or do they not open it to the public?"

"No it should be open," Trent said. "We can go in if you guys want to."

"I want to," said Virgil. "I've never seen a lighthouse before."

"Well, you're welcome then," Trent smirked at his friend, as he pulled the car into a spot in the carpark.

"You had a good idea for once, I'm impressed," Virg replied, wearing his own smirk. "Don't get used to this, Harriet. Trent's good ideas happen once in a blue moon."

"Don't listen to a word he says," Trent laughed, turning to look at Harriet. "He might have a beautiful soul, but he has the tongue of a snake."

"I can actually confirm his tongue is definitely not forked," Harriet laughed.

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