Part 4: Checklist

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An hour later the four of you were gathered by the front door in varying degrees of Winter gear. Mic and Midnight stood together in thick thermal coats and hiking boots. Aizawa wore his standard black sweats and capture weapon, although he did opt for a sturdier pair of boots for today.

"Dude, where's your coat?" Mic asked.

"Don't need one."

"What are you talking about man? It's—" Midnight elbowed Mic sharply in the ribs. A stern glare from her left him silent.

You ignored them and zipped up your thin black windbreaker. You tightened the strap latching your fluorescent orange hiking pack to your chest, and ticked off your mental checklist.

Hiking pack, Sat phone, fresh water bottles, map and compass just in case.... I think that's everything.

"Wicked bag, Y/N. Wouldn't think you'd dig the color though." Mic commented.

"It's easier to spot in the snow if needed. " you shrugged, "now if y'all are ready, we can head out now. We have a lot of ground to cover this afternoon."

"Lead the way then." Aizawa said unenthusiastically before opening the door for you.

He walked out after you followed closely by Mic and Midnight locking the door behind herself.

You lead your quartet through the main grounds, showing them the small barn first where you stored your snowmobile alongside the various tools and supplies you needed for your work with the local hero support group. You specialized in testing the prototypes and troubleshooting any bugs that popped up. Aizawa stopped at one point to stare at the large black scorch marks that littered the densely packed clay floor in the workshop.

"Glad to see you picked such a safe profession." He commented after noticing a particular scorch mark that had a vaguely human shaped outline in the middle of it.

You rolled your eyes at him, "you know it takes more than a little bit of heat to burn me."

"I was actually mainly referring to this." He kicked a 2 ft long piece of steel shrapnel that was embedded in the clay beside your work table.

"Wasn't my tech, so it's not my fault it overheated as soon as I turned it on." You shrugged, "and it's not like any of you have a safe job either."

"Still," he glanced back at you for a moment, "I'd prefer you unharmed."

You see Midnight behind Aizawa wiggle her eyebrows suggestively at you before making a hand motion that made Mic's eyebrow shoot up to his hairline. Your blood rushed to your ears and you felt steam wafting off your boots.

Midnight cracked an impressed grin, "Hey, that actually wasn't so bad this time, maybe you are learning to control your quirk after all."

You felt a mixture of pride and embarrassment at her observation, "actually it wasn't so bad this time because of this," you pulled on the collar of your jacket, "it's a prototype that's repurposing some old suit tech I've been researching. —with some personal modifications of course."

"What's it supposed to do?" Aizawa asked moving closer to get a better look at it.

"The tech was originally being used to line some fire-using pros' gloves as an extinguisher if they couldn't automatically turn their fire off at will.

"I figured the tech could just as easily be used to contain or even redirect a person's heat if modified correctly. I figured there's no better person to test it than me.

"If I can actually get it to work, I might be able to get the redesign patented and a federal grant approved to start distributing items using it to daycares, quirk rehabilitation centers, and special care senior living facilities. Or well, that's the goal at least." You explained with an shrug.

"Well, if there's anybody that could figure it out, it'd be you." Aizawa said firmly.

Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Mic fiddle with the speaker around his neck. Eager to get the topic of conversation off yourself you asked, "something wrong with your gear?"

Mic groaned, "Yea man, it's not a big deal, but one of the adjustment dials got thrown all out of wack the other day. Now, it randomly has this feedback sometimes that feels super weird."

"Oh! I can totally fix that for you real quick if you want." You said, already bee lining for the small toolbox you stored under your work table. Quickly putting distance back between yourself and Aizawa.

"For real?" Mic asked excitedly, "because that'd be totally rad of you if you did."

"Of course! It's me we're talking about dude, so hand it over already. We're burning daylight." You said with a grin and your hand held out expectantly.

Snowed in for the Holidays (AizawaXreader)Where stories live. Discover now