"It looks great in here, thank you for taking care of all this."

"You're welcome baby, I wanted to have it done so when you got out of the leg brace, it would be ready for you.'

Walking over to me, he wraps me up in his arms.

"I love you baby.  More than you can ever know.  Now, hop on my back, I'm giving you a piggyback ride downstairs, so you can see all the finished work."

I climb on the ottoman, then up onto his back and we head downstairs.  He walks down the stable aisle and stops in front of the first one, then puts me down.  I look in and I'm met with a soft nicker and warm air huffing in my face.  Throwing the door open, I step in and wrap my arms around his neck, just inhaling the smell of horse and hay.  I've missed him and I know he's missed me.  He sniffs in my hair, my face and wherever he can, just enjoying the bond we share.

"Hey! You don't have shoes on!  You just got out of two casts; I don't want you to have a broken foot."

I kiss my big boy on his noise and give him a firm pat on his neck.  Then I'm back on Shooters back and carried upstairs, where he puts me down at the top of the stairs.


"Yeah, I was going to run through a drive through after I left the doctor today, but that didn't happen."  

"How about if we call something in and I get one of the guys to run pick it up?"

"Good plan."

While I go to the kitchen to poor a glass of wine, Shooter calls in the order and makes the arrangements to have it picked up and brought to us.  I sit on the couch in the living room, folding my legs underneath me and grab the remote, looking for something on tv.  A movie or something.  Shooter comes back in, kicking off his boots, emptying his pockets on the kitchen counter, taking off his cut and putting it on the back of one of the chairs. He sits on the couch unfolding my legs and stretching them across his lap, and it's at that moment I remember I didn't put on underwear.  He takes the remote and begins shuffling through Netflix, settling on an old sitcom, sipping on a beer and rubbing my lower legs and feet.  

"Is this what life will be lick when we get married?"

"Close, probably a lot of baby making practice."

By the time someone brings our food, Shooter had finished his beer and stretched out beside my legs, with his head on my stomach; both of us very relaxed thanks to the alcohol and the closeness we were sharing.  He went to the door to get the food and I went to the kitchen to get another glass of wine.  Steak and baked potatoes.  I got the dishes and silver ware out and he moved the food to the plates; for the first time since before my mother was killed, I sat down at the table to eat a meal.  My eyes started to sting from the start of tears, that I refused to shed.  Shooter reaches over and wraps his hand around my smaller one, he understands.  

The rest of evening was spent watching tv, after I stuck the dishes in the dishwasher.  

"You know we need to go grocery shopping.  There is no food here."

"I know, we'll get it done.  What are you doing tomorrow?"

"I was going to work with my horse for a little while. Why?"

"You don't think you need to spend some time in the weight room first?"

"I'm not going to do any jumping; I just want to get back on and ride."

"Would you go out on a date with me?"

"Really?  You know I've already said yes, right?  You don't have to take me out."

"I want to.  I've never had a date with you.  I want at least one before we get married."

"Ok, where are we going? Are we going on your bike and what should I wear?"

"Slow down.  Where we are going is a surprise.  Yes, we'll go on the bike, you've never ridden with me, you've always ridden with your brother or your pops.  Now that your mine, you always ride with me.  I'll pick you out some clothes and leave them on the bed."

"Ok, no heels.  I don't think I can wear those yet."

"No heels, but whatever else I lay out you have to wear."

"It has to be decent.  Don't make me look like a hang on."

Picking up my left hand, he kisses my ring, while looking me in the eye.

"Baby, this right here proves you're not a hang on."

We spend the rest of the night laying on the couch.   The next thing I know, I'm being carried to bed and gently laid down on the bed.  A few minutes later, maybe less, I feel Shooter crawl in next to me after he undresses.  Then I drift pass that gray area, into dark oblivion of sleep.

Climbing into bed next to Sarah Grace, I can't believe put her through that.  I'm lucky she even let me talk to her, and what the hell were we thinking, that isolating her was a good idea?!  At least I get to take her on a real date.  I roll over and pull her close to me.  It's so nice not to have the bulky casts in the in the way, I should kick Greaser's ass for not taking her to that appointment, but then we wouldn't have worked everything out, not that it's worked out.  I can't believe the wedding is next weekend.  My parents will be here next Thursday, and her Grandmother comes in on Tuesday, she's nervous about meet so many new people, but she'll troop through.  I'm not sure how I feel about her getting on the horse tomorrow.  I know he'll take care of her, but I don't want her to push it either.  I can't stop her.   

I have to decide where to take her tomorrow night, it needs to be nice, but not dress nice if we go on my bike.  I never had this struggle dating in the past, of course I did give it up for the past two years and before that it couldn't be called dating.  I think we'll end down at the light house and I'll ask her properly to marry me.  I'll work on that tomorrow.  Right now, in this moment I just enjoy holding her, in our bed.   Except, I forgot she didn't put underwear on, and her t shirt has just worked up and now all that soft skin is rubbing against my thighs.  I pull her close to me and putting my hand under the shirt high up on her stomach.  I wonder if she's really comfortable in this shirt.  Maybe I should take it off her?  I lift her shirt higher and it's so big it just slips over her head; I gently pull her arm out and roll her over on my chest so I can get her other arm out.  When I feel her naked breast on my chest, I realize this probably wasn't a good decision.  Oh well, the shirt is on the floor now and I'm not moving to pick it up.  This is the first time I have ever held her naked body against mine, and my dick is painfully hard, but this is as far as it goes.  I just enjoy holding her against me, I never imagined it could be like this with a woman.  That it's supposed to be like this when you love someone.  I lay here just cherishing the time before I drift off to sleep.

Before I know it, I wake up wrapped around a beautiful naked body.  She's lost some muscle tone, being in the cast, but it won't take long to get it back.  I gently rub my hand up her stomach and over her breasts, feeling her nipple harden and form a little peak, that fits perfectly between my fingers as I pinch and pull.  I have to stop, before this goes further.  The wedding is so close, I really wanted to wait until our wedding night and make it special.  I made reservations at one of the nice high-rise hotels, with a room overlooking the ocean.  I kiss her on the neck and down to her shoulder and force myself out of the bed and into a cold shower.  The shower is not working, so I'm not going to suffer under the cold stream.  I turn the hot water on to make it a perfect temperature and wrap my own hand around my dick, while thinking of her.  All that skin I can't wait to kiss, lick and mark all the way down to the pleasure waiting between her legs.  I remember her taste and how she felt around my fingers.  And that's all it takes for to make me come.  I'm going to have to work on this, I don't want a three second honeymoon.  I finish my shower and wrap the towel around my waste, stepping back into the bedroom, she's right where I left her.  I get dressed and walkover to the bed, giving her a kiss, I pull the covers over her shoulders, covering up the temptation underneath.  I head downstairs, checking on her horse, giving him hay and feed, filling up his water bucket.  I know he's hers, but I don't mind.  I grew up with horses and it's nic to be around that part of my old life again.  Time to see what's happening in the clubhouse, not a bad commute, just across the back parking lot.

Waiting on Sarah GraceWhere stories live. Discover now