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Now listen, - and I'll promise you this: I don't get in these scenarios often. It's not every day a raccoon such as myself gets carried off into the woods by his half-naked attacker.
On the positive side though, whatever storm mum's brewing up in her head in terms of 'Where her little Skim has scampered off?' can't be much worse than this.

But I like to think of myself as someone to fall for something like this. A 'mess' as Adrian had called it. So I'll say this - I would've gotten away for it, if it weren't for that meddling alcohol.

"You good down there?" Dickface said - not his name, I'm just angry at him for being the reason why I'm not tucked in bed anticipating a hangover by now.

Insert classic grumpy raccoon face; whatever you're imagining was my exact expression.
"Nah I'm juh... j-juh... FUCK!" I left a redmark on his chest after that little outburst.
"J-Just chilling."

"Ok, first of all: ow, you're being a southpaw-cunt again." Adrian said with his eyes locked on the spot where I punched him.

"Stop cuh-calling me southpaw c-cuh... southpaw-c-cuh..." And just like that I winced in anger and punched him again.

He dropped me.

Legs, head and back landed with a surprised thud. A painful one, too. I began to mutter very rude things under my breath, things so rude Roy would drop dead if he heard them.

"Second of all," he vented, applying some of that 'rubbing-therapy' to his second punch-mark.
"Why are you so embarrassed about stuttering? You've obviously got a speech disorder... But aren't you, like, used to it by now?"

Not a word from your favourite raccoon.

"Ok, if you're not going to answer then at least stop lashing out at me when I'm being NICE, and carrying you," he cleared his throat. "You little southpaw-cunt."

I yawned - an overdose of oxygen to get the mind going.
"You done?" I said boredly.

I discovered one of Adrian's habits: when he gets really pissed off and annoyed, his left ear actually starts twitching.
How fucking cute is that? Haha! what a fag.
Right now that thing was twitching like nobodies business.
"Screw you." He muttered.

"I'm shu-, s-sure you would.

He smiled a little.
"Ah, you learn from the best."

My phone began to vibrate. Shame, I was brewing up some major insults for my new border-collie-bitch.
"Hey mum." I answered.

Adrian took the hint and sat down slowly to not make any noise.

{Honey, You haven't responded to any of my texts, are you okay?!}

"Yeah, yeah I-I'm good. Robin really wanted me to sl-sleep over at hers and my stupid phone went flat."

{You shouldn't be making plans without telling me like that, okay? Roy and your brother were worried sick.}

"Juh-Jake's probably sleeping right now and Roy worries too much."

Adrian was beginning to drink something, a big clear bottle that had emerged from a pocket in his cargo shorts.

{... well... get back home when you can. And tell Robin I said hi.}

"Sure thing mum." I sighed before I tapped that tempting red button on the phone-screen.

Adrian was actually on lying down on the ground, holding the bottle over his mouth and sculling it loudly.
It sounded like he was drowing, drowing in his addictions.

I walked over, feeling my bite bleed fresh blood from the movement, and plucked the bottle out of his mouth as a fur would pluck a weed.
I took a generous swig before I gave it back to him.
"For th-the pain." I said.

He took the bottle loosely and a smile crept up his lips.
"Yeah fair enough... So how about those cigerettes?"

A quick glance later, I noticed that almost everything around us was dry enough to be flammable, but maybe a little too dry.
Trees with their paper sprawled out like open decks of cards, yellow weeds and long grass surrounding us that put a crunch in your step.
"I can get the paper, but nuh-not the filling."

That's when Adrian revealed some of his true colours.
All it took was a single sentence: "I don't know too much about making a filling, but I've got some Furry-Jane of that helps." He chuckled, waving a small baggie of greenish-grey around in his paw.

Drug Terminology #2
Furry Jane - more commonly known as Pawijuana - is a 'soft drug' that, when consumed, induces a euphoria (A 'High') to the user. It is likely to be the most common drug among 'that sort of crowd'.

My eyes widened.

"Take your time buddy."

"D-DRUGS?!" I yelled frantically.

Adrian put his arms out slowly, as if he were taiming an animal.
What am I talking about? Damn right I'm an animal... a dangerous one too. Self confidence 100%.
"I confiscated these before I came over to you, when everyone was sleeping. One of those idiots had stashed it inside a log." He laughed.

I eyed him up and down for a minute.
"So... are you gonna ch-chuck it out?"

He squished the baggie in his paw thoughtfully, letting it inflate then to be squeezed down again, like a drug-heart.
"Nah Skim, I don't think I will." He said with a wink.
"Can you help me roll some up?"

As the sky became lighter, I had a headache that was slowly getting worse as my body gave more and more into exhaustion. The alcohol had worn off; and now I could feel all the pain in its full extent.
I sighed.
"Sure. But I'm not encouraging this."

It didn't take too long, mainly just a couple of splinters here and there as we stripped thin sheets of bark off a tree. Adrian got a lot more than I did - it's a difficult task when I'm holding one paw against the tree to keep my injured body standing.

"You do the rest." I told Adrian, who was so eager on getting something down his lungs he was actually drooling a little - this probably wasn't his first time doing this.
A yawn escaped my muzzle.
"I might try to get s-some sleep, let the bite you gave me huh-, heal a little." It's difficult not to start scolding Dickface when I get onto that topic.

"You sure you don't want to try some? Just to take the edge off of the pain?"

Why does it feel like you're intentionally trying to hook me?...
"I ruh-really shouldn't be getting into that kinda stuff. I've got a brother to look out for, so..."

Adrian's nimble paws finished the roll on his first masterpiece.
"It's all good dude, I get it."

I took off my hoodie and used it as a pillow, lying down and trying to get comfortable. It was a warm night; even without a campfire.

Adrian mumbled something to himself as he flicked his lighter on, which, when replayed in my mind sounded a little like this...
"A girlfriend to look out for too, I bet..." He had bitterness in his voice as he said it.

My eyes squinted open.

"Nothing. Goodnight." He said, completely deadpan.

"Goodnight, I guh-guess?"

Furry High (furry 'coming of age' story) R18+Where stories live. Discover now