Chapter XV ~ As the Uiverse Rips in Half

Start from the beginning

Ugh, why Kaminari of all people?

"Yeah. I mean, he is my friend, after all, and he missed school today," she said, trying to play it cool. "I'm just worried about him."

"Well, geez, I was just asking. No need to get defensive."

"I wasn't getting defensive."

Who was she trying to trick? She sure sounded defensive.

"Okay, well, anyway, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Go for it," she replied.

"Where were you last night? Because while I was leaving Mineta's I saw you in the hallway, and if I'm not mistaken, you were walking out of Midoriya's room."

She froze.

"K-Kami, I think you might need to get your eyes checked. You must've seen Uraraka."

He lifted an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Because there's definitely someone else in our class who has bright pink hair and horns coming out of the top of her head."

Internally, she freaked. There wasn't any way she was getting out of this one.

"Okay, well, maybe I might've gone up there once," she said, letting a little white lie slip. "But just to see how he was doing. That's all."

"Ashido, I might be dense, but I'm not dumb."

For once in his life he'd actually seen through a lie? That was a new one.

And for the record, dense and dumb meant exactly the same thing.

Suddenly she felt mean. That wasn't very nice of her—not only to say but to even think. She was just a little annoyed that he was the first to find out and not someone she truly trusted.

"Kaminari, it's not what you think. Please don't tell anyone. Please, I'm begging you." With her puppy-dog eyes, she was able to play with his heartstrings. "And whatever you do, don't take it out on Midoriya. He didn't do anything wrong. This is just a kind of confusing situation, and I— You know what? I shouldn't even be telling you this. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten you involved."

"So it's true, then?"

"Yes. Of course it is. I'd be sick to take a joke like this that far. And, Kaminari, you'd better not tease me about it."

"No promises."

She gave him a look. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to tell Jirou all about your little crush."

The color drained from his face, whittling away without warning as he went white as a ghost. "Um, nevermind. You know what? Have it your way. I was just kidding," he said, shrinking some sizes smaller.

"And this isn't only about me. You can't tell a single soul. Not a word about this to anyone. Got it?"

Sweat drops dripped down from the top of his temple to the crook of his collarbone and chest. "Yup."

She smiled a cheeky smile, one full of mischief and a slight bit of relief. "Okay! Sounds good to me. You keep your end of the deal and I'll keep mine."

Mina spun around, hands held firmly behind her back, and as she started to walk away, one foot in front of the other, she couldn't help but have this look of alleviation on her face. Energy in each of her steps, she skipped through the corridors and into the elevator, waiting patiently for the doors to close.

Once she was sure she was alone, she let out a sigh.

The reality of it all was that she couldn't keep up the act forever. People were beginning to suspect something, and she'd have to be naive to assume word wasn't getting around. Kaminari was one. Kirishima was a close second. Who would be third? Fourth? When would everyone else find out? When would the cat be let out of the bag?

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