My Name is Tegan

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The next morning, Daryl woke up before everyone else. Carl had heard the door open and shut next door, hoping it was Tegan, he got up. He was disappointed to see Daryl walking down the stairs to the front door.

"Daryl?" Carl whispered behind the hunter as he made his way down the porch steps.

"Hey, what's up?" Daryl asked turning just his head.

"Can we talk?" Carl stepped in front of him, trying to block his path.

"Sure." Daryl stepped around the boy and lead them to a small bench outside the mansion. They sat down and Carl started with his questions.

"Do you love her?" He asked not able to look at Daryl.

"That's none of yer buisness," Daryl grunted. The truth was he didn't really know. He had never felt that type of love before and wasn't even sure what it felt like.

"I do. I could hear you both last night, you know."

"Carl-" Daryl started, but was cut off by the boy.

"Just listen. I love her. I love her like a sister, like a friend, like family. I may have other feelings for her as well, but I just want her happy. You seem to make her happy. Please, be good to her. Please, don't hurt her." Carl looked into Daryl's eyes with a hint of sadness in his own. Daryl didn't say anything just nodded.

"Hey fella's!" The bubbly redhead called to the two on the bench. Carl's expression changed.

"Hey, T!" He said with a smile.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked plopping down in between the two.

"Nothing," Daryl said placing a hand on her knee. Tegan turned towards Carl and noticed his eyes were staring at Daryl's hand, a hint of sadness twinkling.

"Carl! Daryl! Tegan!" Rick yelled to the three, switching Tegan's thoughts.

"Let's go," Daryl said jumping up with Carl on his heel. Tegan followed behind them.

"Gregory's awake," Rick informed the trio. "Tegan, I want you to speak with him."

"Why me?" The young woman asked.

"We need a level head. Not someone who is going to just cause us more problems," Rick said. Tegan chewed at her lip thinking of all the possibilities that could happen. 

"Why not Maggie?" She asked the leader. "She is way more dependable then me. I wouldn't even know how to start."

"I feel you are the best one for this job," Rick stated. His arms crossed tightly over his chest. "Just talk to him about the deal. We take care of the Saviors for some of their food."

"Fine," Tegan groaned with a roll of her eyes.

"We will be right down here. Hes in his room, last door on the left," Rick informed her. She glanced a look at Daryl who nodded at her. If only she had as much confidence in herself as these two had in her, she would feel better.

Tegan walked slowly up the staircase. Her feet dragging every step of the way. Upon opening the door she saw Gregory on a king sized bed against the far wall. It was an extravagant bed like one you would see in a fairy tale book.

"Ah, come on in. Jesus said I should be expecting pretty young girl to be joining me," Gregory announced with a wave of his hand.

"Hi, I know we didn't get to talk much yesterday, but I am Tegan," the young woman said not moving far from the door. She rubbed her hands together nervously.

"So you're Negan's sister. Jesus was telling me about you," the man smiled at her. She hated the way his eyes traveled her body. "Hunny, why don't you come closer so I can hear you better." Tegan took a few steps forward before she began.

"Rick had wanted me to discuss further plans with you," she started before being interrupted yet again.

"Tasha, I know a pretty young girl like yourself doesn't want anything to do with all this nonsense," he sighed. 

"Tegan," she whispered.

"What was that, Tanya?" the old man asked.

"It's Tegan, you misogynistic asshole. Now listen to me and listen good. I will not take this shit from you. I am not your, Hunny. I am not just some young pretty dumb bitch, okay? I am a smart, strong, survivor. Do not make me come over there and shove my foot up your hairy white ass. Now, you need us, okay? You need our help. There is no if, ands, or buts about it. Now I believe we can make a pretty good deal out of this. We help you with the Savior's and you give us food. Easy," she snarled.

"Well, well. Listen to you, sounds like someone found their big girl panties," he chuckled. Tegan clenched her fists, digging her nails deep into her palms. 

"Are you going to take the deal or not?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Are you sure you can do this? If they find out we are working together it's my ass on the line," Gregory asked.

"Yes," was all Tegan said.

"Then we have a deal," Gregory said. At that, Tegan walked out the door seeing red. She stumbled down the stairs and passed everybody in the foyer.

"Daryl," Rick nodded towards the redneck, his eyes following the girl.

"On it," Daryl mumbled following the furious girl out the front doors. Tegan heard the clunk of the rednecks boots follow her onto the front porch.

"You wouldn't believe the nerve of this fucking guy. Who the fuck does this asshole think he is? He had the nerve to call me a little girl. A little fucking girl, Daryl! I will take my fucking knife and shove it so far up his ass he will be able to taste it!" Tegan went on as Daryl just stood there taking it all in. "He told me I had my big girl panties on! Jokes on him, I don't have any panties on." That caused Daryl to chuckle.

"So what did he say about the deal?" Daryl asked leaning his back against the wall.

"He took the deal. Dare, you have no idea how bad I wanted to punch him right in the dick," she sighed walking up to him. His arms went around her shoulders as she gripped him tightly around the waist.

"I know," he whispered into her hair.

"I swear to God, after all this craziness is over I am going to fucking punch him right in his jaw," she growled into Daryl's chest.

"That's my girl," he chuckled into her head.

After a few moments of cooling the fire, they walked inside. Rick glanced first at Tegan, then at Daryl, who gave him a slight nod.

"I knew you could do it," Rick said with a smirk. Tegan nodded at him, but kept quiet.

"I can show you where it is tomorrow, but I can't go in with you," Jesus told them. 

"That's fine. You get us there, we will take care of the rest," Daryl said to the long haired man.

"We should go tomorrow night, that way they don't see us coming," Abraham suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Jesus said nodding at the ginger. 

Later that night they all sat around in Glenn and Maggies trailer eating dinner. Daryl stood next to Tegan as she was sitting on a chair near the wall. As soon as she was done eating he asked her if she wanted more. Maggie watched the two in awe, never before seeing Daryl like this with anyone. The pair would laugh together and touch each other like her and Glenn did. She knew tomorrow could change everything. They may not all make it out. She did know that Daryl would do anything he possibly can to keep Tegan safe. Just like she would do for Glenn and he would do for her. It made her smile. Everyone needed that. 

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