Chapter 13

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I open my eyes and then I feel the throbbing in my head. Owwwwww. This hurts like mother. I open my eyes more and take a look at my surroundings. I seem to be in the hospital. I hear beeping noise all around me. On my left is a sink and countertop with some bottles and pills and stuff. On my right is who appears to be Nash. He is sleeping upright in the chair directly beside my bed. What a dork. Then the memories of what happened a few hours ago flooded back to me.
Taylor was dared to play seven minutes in heaven with me. I was a little nervous but hid it well. He closed the door and locked it. I turned to me, and not a millisecond later his lips were on mine. His tongue slid along my bottom lip asking for an entrance which I gave him. It started to get pretty heated. He and I took our shirts off. He pulled back to look at me. "Damn. You're beautiful, too bad Nash gotcha." He leaned in again when the door all of sudden smacked open. A fuming Nash took one look at me and Taylor shirtless and punched him in the face. Did I mention it was a tiny bathroom? Anyway, I quickly pulled my tight tank top back on and then the other boys started trying to break up the fight. I was thrown against wall due to the boys shoving each other back and forth screaming about me. I tried to shrink even further into the back of bathroom as quickly as I could, but slipped. Then the next thing I know I'm out cold and there are voices cursing and sending blame everywhere. Someone finally called 911 I think and I am being carried in an elevator. I can hear the automatic doors open, so I'm guessing whoever is holding me carried me down to the lobby. They lifted me onto the gourney, and I hear Hayes's voice as he jumps in after me. The whole bumpy ride there, Hayes is sitting beside me, whispering in my ear to wake up. I try, but I can't.

Nash POV
Fucking Taylor got dared to go into the bathroom and play 7 minutes in haven with MY girlfriend. I sat there while the boys were completely silent trying to listen to them. From I could hear, they were having a full on make out session. I was beyond pissed by now. I stood up and rammed my shoulder into the bathroom door since Taylor locked it. It opened with a really loud thud. They were fucking shirtless. At least Casey had her bra on still. I punched Taylor in the jaw. He stumbled a but before I punched him again. The bathroom was tiny so with us shoving each other around, we pushed Casey into the wall. She quickly caught her balance before she slipped and fell again, this time hitting her head on the tub and blacking out. She fell with a loud thunk. Shit. We stopped. "Casey?!" Hayes was freaking out. He ran to her side and kept shaking her and calling her name. "Somebody call fucking 9-1-1!!! Now!!!" He screamed at us. I glanced at Taylor who's lip was busted and his eyes was starting to swell up a bit. Matt pulled out his phone and dialed as quickly as his shaking hands would let him. Everyone filed out as Hayes picked her up and carried her to the bed. What the hell dude. She's my girlfriend like wtf? Why all of the sudden does he care so much? We could hear the sirens from down the street already. I picked her up and carried to the elevator. We rode down to the lobby while the guys took the stairs. We met the paramedics at the door. I layed her down on the gourney thing and Hayes jumped into the ambulance without thinking twice. Wtf?? Cameron pulled me and the guys outside to his car. It only fit 4 others so some had to go with Jack G. I ran to the entrance of the ER. "Here to see Casey Smith! Where is She?!" I yelled at the lady. "Sir calm down. She is getting staples in her head. She split it open." My stomach dropped. It was a game of fucking truth or dare. And I got pissed because of a damn dare. This is all my fault. "Sir. Sir? Excuse me, young man?" My head snapped up. "She is unconscious right now, but you may go in now." I nodded and jogged to her room. There she was. Asleep. Not moving. She looked so peaceful. Hayes came up beside me. "Gorgeous, isn't she?" "Yea." I nodded. He left and walked back to the waiting room. I sat down in a chair and fell asleep. I was damn tired after arguing with Casey over a provoking outfit choice, punching Taylor in the face, and sitting in a waiting room worrying about the girl I have come to love.

Casey POV
I look at him for the longest time. Taking in his features before he starts to move around in his sleep. His eyes shoot one and his head whips up. The sky blue eyes met mine. They were bloodshot and puffy. "Hey." He whispers. "Hi, what's up?" I whisper back. "Casey, I'm so sorry-" I cut him off by leaning over and kissing his lips roughly. "Stop. I forgive you. I know you know what you did was stupid, so I'm going to save you the pain of apologizing." He looked shocked, but nodded. "Where are the guys?" "Waiting room" he replied softly. He textedCam and told them to come I here because I was awake. Then not 15 seconds later all 9 of the other boys filed in the room and crowded around the bed. God I love these boys. They are like my new family. They released me the next hour, prescribing me some pain medication. It was now 11 am. Hayes took me to Starbucks and I went back to my hotel room. Oh. Mother. Of. Jesus.
No one told my bestfriends about me being in the hospital. They both had puffy eyes and sprinted over to the door when I swung it open. They enveloped me into huge bear hugs, which made my head hurt even more than it already did. I sat down on the bed and explained the story to them. They were pretty upset that no one told them but got over it because I was I pain. Today was the day we leave to go back to SeaGreen so Nash, Carter, Cameron, Hayes, and Matthew stopped by to say their goodbyes because they were going to go out to lunch. I cried and hugged each one of them for 2 minutes at the least before they closed the door and I finished packing. We picked up our luggage and trotted down the hallway to say goodbye to the others. I did the same routine as I did with Nash, Hayes, Cameron, Carter, and Matt; hugging them and then them commanding me to text them when we land.

GoodBye MagCon.....

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