Chapter 6

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Casey POV:

I told the girls that I was gonna go out and stretch my legs for a bit. I let myself out of the room, Stacy and Rosalie's eyes glued to the flatscreen. I giggled as I heard Rosalie whispered to herself what Miley was saying to Liam at that scene. I had just started walking around when I collided yet again with someone. I mentally rolled my eyes and realized how familiar the figure felt against my body. I looked up to grinning Nash.

" Well, well, well, what do we have here? It's nice to see you again Casey." He looked hot when he was trying to flirt.

" Hello again Nash. What a pleasant surprise," I said with a wink just like he'd done to me earlier.

" I'm going to get ice, wanna join me?" He asked, nervous as hell.

I nodded my head in return and we started walking down the stairs. He was asking me if I wanted to help him do a smack cam video for his YouTube channel. I agreed and he explained the plan. We got his ice and we walked back up the stairs to his room. His room was the next room to ours! How funny!

" Wait," I said, stopping him in his tracks. He gave a confused look. " You and your friends were the ones howling and laughing around next door?"

" Your right next door?" He asked grinning. " That's really cool!"

I nodded and he counted to three. He let the key in the door. We could hear the laughter all the way down the hall. He ran silently to the bathroom grabbed the shampoo and put some in my hand. He held the his phone in his left hand and at the top of lungs yelled, " SMACK CAM!!!!!!! He ran up to an unsuspecting tall boy with brown hair and eyes. No that bad looking, though. He turned around into a face full of cheap hotel shampoo. The funniest part though, was that his mouth was open because he was saying something before that. Nash was on the floor laughing his ass off, while the tall boy ran irritatedly to bathroom to wash his mouth out. I couldn't help but laugh hysterically. They finally heard the difference in laughter tones, and looked over at me. Nash said in between breaths,""

Their look of confusion faded quickly. Had they been talking about me? So, what does that mean?

" Hey," I said with a grin that said I wasn't done with my share of laughter. I looked up down at Nash and then up at the boy with brown hair and eyes and busted out laughing again.

" Well, I'm Cameron," the boy who had been smack cammed said. " That's Aaron, Carter, Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Matthew, or Matt, and Shawn.

Suddenly the door burst open, " And I'm Hayes!!" The boy screamed.

The guys laughed and hopped up to give the boy called Hayes an awkward bro hug.

" Who's this?" He asked suddenly seeing me. His eyes traveled up and down, looking me. Nash's eyes grew dark and his cheeks became flushed. He stood up suddenly. What was that about?

" Hayes, this is MY new friend Casey," he said, emphasizing the word my in the sentence. " Casey, this is my younger brother Hayes."

Hayes seemed taken back with the emphasis of 'my' in the sentence. Is miles and gave him a small but quick wave.

" So, Casey, what brings you to this lovely hotel in Chicago?" The one called Gillinsky asked.

" I'm here with my friends who forced me to come with them to MagCon? I thinks that's what it's called." I replied sheepishly.

Nash's eyes lit up like a fire when he heard the words Magacon.

" Really?!" He asked a little over excitedly. " I mean, really?" He said with a bright blush on his cheeks.

The guys laughed at him and Cameron leaned over and told me that he hasn't stopped talking about me since he got back to the room after the ' Elevator Incident' . I guess I blushed a little and he giggled slightly.

" Well, that's funny you say that," Matt said as-a-matter-of-factly. " You're looking at the reasons MagCon exists. We are the "stars" of it." He said using air quotes. That explains the spark in Nash's eyes.

" Look, I don't mean to be rude at all, I'm sorry, but I really don't know what it is that this is or what you do...." I said cautiously wording my sentences.

Aaron pretended to be hurt and put his hand over his heart," Guys! She doesn't know who we are!" They exchanged looks. Uh oh. Aaron silently counted to 3. Nash came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, making me jump in fear. He picked me up and carried me over to the bed. Throwing me down, Gilinsky and Johnson held me down while Aaron, Carter, Nash, Shawn, and Hayes started poking my sides and running their fingers up and down my stomach, making me scream, " OH MY GOD!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE GONNA MAKE ME PEE!!!!!" They laughed and let go. Wait where is Cameron?! When i sat up, I saw them all gathered around Cameron and his phone. Shit! He caught this all on video, especially the part where I screamed out that they were gonna make me pee my pants. 15 seconds later my phone dings. -TWITTER-- Cameron Dallas started following you- ( idk his Twitter so bear with me!)

-TWITTER--Cameron Dallas- Omg this is the girl we just became really good friends with @ca$ey_$mith0945 we all just had our first tickle fight!-

OH NO HE DIDNT!!!!!! The whole video of them attacking me was tied to the post.

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