He's looking at some framed pictures of her family members sitting on a cabinet in the living room when she returns with his water. He smiles at her and takes the glass, sipping at the water while he observes the pictures.

There's on of her and her parents. Her mother is a bigger woman with golden brown hair and her father has a bit of a beer gut with grey hairs. Diana has lighter blonde hair than she does now, not nearly as long, without her eyebrows waxed or any makeup on. She must be about thirteen in this picture.

The other picture is of her and what Niall presumes to be her brothers. They both have ash brown hair with bright blue eyes. Diana has her longer hair in this, several shades of blonde twisting around each other in curls. Her eyes also happen to be blue, which is weird because Niall could've sworn that when they first met they were green.

"Your eyes are blue in this," he states.

"They change between blue and green," she says.

He stares at her, as if waiting for them to change to blue at this very second. "That's amazing."

"You probably will never get to see it happen. I don't think anyone has."

"How come you're the only blonde in the family?" he asks next.

"Both my parents and my brothers were all born with blonde hair, and so was I, but my mum used to dye her hair a lot when she was a teenager because she was a hair model so it never went back to blonde," she explains. "My dad's hair and brother's hair just happened to get darker as they grew up. I stayed blonde, although it was a lot fairer when I was a child."

"Why is it dark now?" Niall wants to know everything about her.

"I temporarily dyed it red twice and purple once so I think the red stained it and kept it darker. I don't mind it though. There's a lot of shades."

"And it's naturally curly?"

She shakes her head. "Straight. I still straighten over it quickly though because it gets a little frizzy."

He nods before they move to the couch to sit down. She takes his empty glass to the kitchen before returning to sit with him. They continue to talk there, this time Niall talking about his life - about his mum and dad and brother, Greg, and Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn, and even Perrie and Eleanor. Diana sits and listens quietly, smiling and laughing at the appropriate times.

When it starts to get late Niall decides it's about time to leave because he has to walk back due to his mum working late. Diana walks him to the door, where he stops on the porch to turn and face her.

"Thank you for today, Niall," she says. "You've been lovely company."

"It's my pleasure," Niall says, grinning. "I've loved getting to know you, Diana."

"Same for you."

They stare at each other, eyes sparkling and lips pulled back in smiles, before Niall says, "Alright, I better go. I'll see you at school on Monday."

She nods. "You will."

"Alright, bye." He turns around and slowly starts walking off the porch. No noise has come from behind him so he guesses that she is still standing in the doorway. He suddenly decides that he doesn't want to leave without feeling her lips against his. In a quick moment of courage, he turns around, starts walking back to her, saying, "Fuck it," before grabbing her and placing his lips to hers.

It's amazing. It's soft yet at the same time not and she has her hands in his hair and his are on her waist and it's everything he's ever dreamt about. She's a little inexperienced, so Niall guides her lips with his, but it's amazing nonetheless and he can't get enough.

Diana ▹ Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now