Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream

Start from the beginning

"O-oh," He stutters. "so what will you do then?"

"HunterClan doesn't exactly need more mouths to feed with Leaf-Bare coming up," Blossomstar admits. "but it would be very impolite of us to turn you away after you've helped HunterClan in the past. So, I want you to join the Clan as an apprentice. You'll be given the chance to make a good reputation for yourself, and if the rest of the Clan accepts you over the next four moons, then you may remain in this Clan for as long as you'd like."

"Really?!" Simon can't believe his ears. I'm really going to get to stay! Elation blooms in his chest, sending warmth tingling up and down his spine.

"Yes really. We'll hold your ceremony this evening. So get yourself ready."

****Arrowheart's POV****

After a long day of hard work, Arrowheart was pleased to go on a relaxing evening patrol with Patchfur. Even if they did have two tag alongs in Nightrose and Smokepaw. To Arrowheart it almost felt like it was just him and his boyfriend off on a romantic date. Judging by the way Patchfur was smiling at him as they made their way towards Sunningrocks, he guessed that Patchfur felt the same.

"It's so quiet out tonight." Arrowheart comments to no one in particular.

Patchfur nods. "Yes, and cold too."

Arrowheart can feel the warlock shivering a little next to him, so he sidles up closer to him to brush their fur together. Having thicker fur Arrowheart was not as affected by the cold as his short furred boyfriend is. Patchfur nuzzles into his side easily, blinking with gratitude.

In front of them, Nightrose sniffs the air curiously, her whiskers twitching. Smokepaw is right beside her watching her every move with studious intrigue. Arrowheart is happy that his sister has turned out to be such a good mentor. Smokepaw had been a relatively quiet cat as a kitten, so there had been the concern that he wouldn't socialize as much as he should. Being around Nightrose seemed to have changed that though. Now Smokepaw talks often, his voice being heard by Arrowheart each time he comes to pick up Sparkpaw for daily training.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Smokepaw says as they reach the sun bathed rocks. Curious as to what the young apprentice is talking about Arrowheart and Patchfur press on until they too can see what he is talking about.

As it would turn out, the small stream that runs around Sunningrocks on their territory is frozen solid. The ice here is so thick that Arrowheart cannot see any fish swimming underneath, if there was any fish swimming there at all that is. It was weird to think that just two moons ago Patchfur had tried teaching him how to swim for the first time in this very stream. The water is impossibly cold now under the frozen ice, so they would have to wait until New Leaf at the very least to continue the swim lessons again. Admittedly, Arrowheart was not too bothered by this revelation, considering that the water was still pretty scary to him.

"Yes, it is. Usually the ice doesn't cover the whole stream so soon, but now that it has it won't be until New Leaf that it will melt again." Patchfur observes.

"Huh. So what happens to all the fish during the winter then?" Arrowheart asks.

Patchfur shrugs. "It's thought that they swim somewhere-" he gets cut off by Nightrose before he can finish his sentence. The words she says makes Patchfur stiffen up all over, and Smokepaw hop up and down in excitement, his blue eyes gleaming.

"You guys are missing the point here!" Nightrose exclaims. "With the stream so frozen over, this is the perfect chance for us to get revenge on MagicClan and take back Sunningrocks!"

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