Secrets and Lies

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I have a bedroom now, as opposed to a hospital room, and I'm sharing with Gale, Beetee and a boy from District 13 named Arrow. Each morning, Gale and Arrow wake up at six o'clock to train with the other soldiers. Apparently, I'm not in a fit condition to train with them. Last night, I had a big argument with President Coin. She's the leader of District 13, and head of the rebellion. After dinner, I made my way to her office so that I could ask about starting training.

"Good evening, Finnick Odair," she said, raising an eyebrow. "What brings you here?"

In her office there were hundreds of screens, charts, boards and photographs. It looked as if they had been tracking the Capitol for years and years. I took a seat opposite her, and she leant forwards in anticipation.

"It's about training to fight," I said. "I was wondering whether I could start with the main group tomorrow morning. I'm an experienced fighter, I don't think I'll need any extra help."

Coin raised one perfectly plucked eyebrow as I spoke, tapping her pen on the desk between us.

"Finnick, you must know that you're in no fit condition to fight," she said. "You are both mentally and physically unstable, and we feel it wouldn't be suitable for you to take part in the conflict."

"Mentally and physically unstable?" I exclaimed, not believing what I was hearing. "What the hell?"

"You're on medication at the moment to keep you feeling calm," Coin continued. "Gale and Arrow have reported nightmares you've been having, much too frequently. Your focus is weak, your concentration is poor. The injuries you sustained in the arena are too fresh and won't heal for another few weeks."

Each word was like a blow to the chest. I'd never thought of myself as weak before last night, and now it feels as if the word has taken over my entire existence.

"I've been having nightmares for the past ten years!" I protested. "It doesn't mean anything."

"Well," Coin tilted her head to one side. "Perhaps you haven't been completely stable for a number of years, Finnick."

My eyes widened at her casual comment, but I didn't want to get angry. She already thought I was a complete lunatic.

"Please, I'm begging you," I said, trying one last time. "I can fight and I want to fight. This is all I've ever wanted, to overthrow the Capitol. Why are you denying me the right to do so?"

"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link," Coin said. "One weak soldier will slow down the entire pack. They'll have a better chance without you, for now."

I changed the subject, remembering Annie and Johanna.

"What are you doing to try and rescue Annie from the Capitol?" I asked, urgently needing to find out.

"We're working as hard as we can, trying to locate them. We have night patrols and secret cameras," she explained.

"You're not doing enough!" I said harshly, slamming my fist on the table. "We need Johanna, she's easily one of the best fighters we have!"

Coin's eyes turned to fire, but I stupidly continued.

"And Annie, I need her. She's ill, she shouldn't be in the Capitol. She should be here with me," I said, not allowing my voice to crack.

"Finnick, I don't think you should be letting your feelings get in the way of this rebellion. Currently, Annie Cresta is not a priority," Coin said firmly. "We're trying to get Johanna Mason and Peeta Mellark back first, then Miss Cresta."

"So we only care about our best fighters now?" I yelled. "If they're not strong and powerful and a soldier, we just let them die? Who are you?"

My entire body was shaking with anger, and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster.

Finnick Odair's Story: Dark Secrets (The Hunger Games Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now