9; Is This Bookshop Haunted?

Start from the beginning

Two men had walked in. One of them was white, tall, lanky, with medium length brown hair, green plaid shirt with grey pants and shoes. The other was short by comparison but most likely average height. Brown skin, short dark hair, he seemed to have more muscles than the taller one. He wore a white t-shirt with a cartoon bag of popcorn on it, with black pants and sneakers. Since they had been too preoccupied with looking at the structure of the place, neither had noticed the two supernatural entities having their intimate moment ruined.

A chill suddenly crawled up Aziraphale's spine, and he made eye-contact with Crowley. He had felt it too. A quick miracle from him shut the front door, covered the windows, and a snap from Crowley froze the two men in place.

The redhead grabbed Aziraphale's arm just as he was about to walk over to the two petrified men. "Angel, go to the back. Come back out when I tell you to."

Here he goes...

"And why would I do that?" Asked the blond, eyebrows raised.

He could tell Crowley was glaring at him from behind his dark shades. "Because one of them is a demon and I'm not letting you get hurt!"

Captain obvious strikes again.

"You forget I was a soldier before we met in the garden. I can handle myself, you know." Said the principality as he freed himself from his lover's grip.

"Don't care, I'm not risking it." He stepped in between him and the two humans.

Aziraphale sighed and placed a hand on the demon's left shoulder. "I'm defending my home, Crowley, same as you."

"Exactly, you ineffable pain in my arse, you are my home! So, I kindly ask that you go hide while I make sure these two aren't a threat!" Argued the scrawny being.

Oh darling, you truly are adorable.

The blond smiled, the hand on the shoulder went up to cup his husband's face. "Aren't you sweet?" That earned him an eye-roll.

"Don't start-"

The angel walked away and started observing the frozen figures in the middle of his shop's entryway. "You were aware that line wasn't going to do anything, yes?"

Crowley shrugged with a nod. "Figured, but I gave it a shot. Usually the sappy things work on ya." He said before joining him. Aziraphale giggled lightly at his response.

Usually but not today, love.

The demon stared at the two men, focusing on the taller one. Crowley's nose wrinkled after he sniffed near his neck. "Whatever or whoever it is, it's demonic, no doubt about that. But it's a possession, they don't have a body of their own."

"That explains why we didn't feel them sooner... What do you want to do?"

"Well, it's been a while, but I'm fairly sure I can reach into this poor bastard and rip out whoever's possessing him. Go get a bible, or a cross. Bless some water if you want."

"Are you quite sure about that?"

"Oi, the agreement was that they'd leave us alone, and this isn't leaving us alone!"

The angel glared at Crowley. "My dear, we agreed: no more killing unless it's absolutely necessary."

Crowley glared back and they stared at each other for quite a while. As always, he was the one who relented. He never could best Aziraphale when those shiny, blue eyes were involved.

"Fine! Fine..." Grumbled the demon as he walked away from his husband.

Once he reached the door again, he began digging his heel into the hardwood floors. This started leaving scuff-marks which started to singe.

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