Early Morning Cringe

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A couple of days later after Nikki and Emily's disagreement things are starting to look up for them both as they start to see eye to eye a little more, although Nikki wasn't sure on the whole idea of letting Jack take Emily boxing she had settled to the idea of a few self defence sessions in the garage.
Nikki is just tidying up after breakfast and is waiting for Emily to get ready for school so she can drop her off on the way to the Lyell. Jack comes down from upstairs and walks to Nikki who is stood at the sink taking her iron tablets and sipping her tea. Jack sips his arms around his partner's small body, resting his head on her shoulders and his hands on her bump, "Good morning baby" Jack smiles gently stroking Nikki's bump.
"Just another 7 weeks to go" Nikki smiles as she moves her head up and kisses his jawline.

"I can't wait to meet her" He smiles remaining in their embrace.
Nikki leans back into him and places her glass down on the work surface before resting her hands on Jack's. "I can't wait either... she's been giving me terrible heartburn all night" She smiles and Jack strokes her bump.

Jack sways slightly as he holds Nikki and he kisses her neck gently, "Still don't understand why you want to call her Ava..." He speaks and continues to kiss her shoulder.
"Because I like that name."
"What if she doesn't look like an Ava?" He quizzes.
"Well, we shall come to that when she is born" Nikki speaks and giggles as Jack kisses up her neck to her ear.

There is a noise from behind them both making them both look over in the direction of the door, "Errr... you two are disgusting," Emily gags and looks down at the floor rather flushed by catching them kissing.

"Nothing wrong with a bit of love Emily" Jack replies and turns Nikki around and kisses her on the lips causing Emily to flush bright red and leave the kitchen.
"I will be waiting in here Mum, I don't want to see you two in the act of reproducing" Emily calls through and Nikki chuckles.
"Does she realise that I'm pregnant and we've already performed that act" She chuckles.

He chuckles into her shoulder and strokes Nikki's bump again, "Don't traumatise you poor daughter."

Nikki laughs and pulls away from Jack, she walks into the lounge and grabs her phone and work bags along with her car keys before heading out the front door with Emily in tow. "Right do you want me to pick you up from school later? or are you walking home?" Nikki asks as she gets into the car with Emily.

"I'm going to start for after school PE... they have the tryouts for the girl's basketball team" Emily replies and Nikki glances at Emily with a smirk as she pulls off the driveway. Although she knows her daughter is keen on sports she thought she wouldn't be the best at basketball as she only stands at 5ft 3".

"Good, well I'm home early and Jack isn't home until 9 pm tonight as he's on-call" She replies and Emily just nods before fixing her eyes down on her phone again. While waiting in the traffic Nikki feels an odd pain in her stomach with makes her gasp, "Woah, what was that all about" Nikki smirks as she glances down at her bump and rubs it.

Emily looks up at her and raises an eyebrow, "What was that?" Emily asks.
"Oh nothing, Probably just Braxton hicks" She replies to her daughter who shifts uncomfortably.
"As long as your waters don't break I'm fine" Emily mumbles and draws her attention back down to her phone.

Nikki laughs and moves the car forwards a little before indicating left in the queue of traffic, "Oh that's not going to happen Em, you're totally fine" Nikki smiles, she drives along the road after turning left and drops Emily off just a few yards away from the school. She leans over and kisses Emily's cheek before watching Emily get out of the car and walk towards the school really slowly. Nikki rolls her eyes and waits for her to go into the school grounds before driving off and heading to the Lyell.

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