Getting to Know all About you

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Emily walks into Nikki's lounge and looks around, while Nikki talks to Harry in the hallway. She looks at the photos on the fireplace noticing no sign of her, clearly her Mum had removed her from her life, she picks up the one picture frame and looks at it. The photo must be of the baby her Mum is having, the scan photo is very clear and obviously recent.

She placed the picture frame down and continues to look at the photos on the fireplace. She looks at a photo of her Mum with a man and instantly realises that the man is her mums partner and is defiantly a step up from her dad.

Soon Nikki comes into the lounge and looks at Emily, Emily turns around and looks at her Mum, "So..." Nikki begins hoping Emily has something to say.

Emily sits down on the sofa and rolls her eyes. "I don't have anything to say to you" Emily replies back and gets her phone out her pocket and looks at it.

"Oh..." Nikki mumbles taken back by her daughter's rude approach to her.
"You don't like me, I don't like you... I'm just here because you're feeling sorry for me. So just show me where my room is and I'll be out your hair" Emily huffs as she keeps her eyes fixed on her phone.

Nikki signs and sits down next to Emily, her small bump becoming more noticeable as she sits down. "No, I do care about you, and Har- I mean your Dad has told you about everything when you were a baby... I love you, I'm not replacing you with this baby, I could never replace you" Nikki says trying to compromise.

She attempts to put her arm around Emily but she pushes her arms away and shuffled across the sofa. "Please, don't touch me" she speaks.

Nikki sighs and looks at her, "Okay... well let me get to know you?" Nikki pleads.
"What do you want to know?" Emily huffs looking her Mum up and down.

"Anything... you've got to live with me for a while so why don't we start with foods you like and dislike?" Nikki suggests holding her bump again which causes Emily to look down at her hands.

"Okay... I do like spicy foods. Erm... I don't like mash potatoes, or anything with beef in" Emily replies.

Nikki chuckles and holds her bump a little bit more and rubs it in repetitive circles. "I don't really like Mash Potatoes either... weird texture" she replies and gags slightly.

She rubs her bump again and smiles, "is it kicking?" Emily questions awkwardly.
Nikki nods and laughs as she feels a strong kick come from the baby, "yes right here" Nikki smiles and grabs Emily's hand and places it in the area of the baby kicking.

"Woah" Emily says shifty slightly as Nikki has hold of her hand.
"You were just like this, wriggling non-stop, you always did this in the bath, almost like you were splashing around. I missed it honestly" She giggles as she looks at Emily and removes her hand from Emily but she keeps her hand on Nikki's bump before moving away awkwardly almost like she was being signalled to stop.
"Carry if feeling if you wish, it's your little sister" Nikki smiles.

"You're having a girl?" Emily questions almost coming out of her shell more.
"Yes, Jack is over the moon... I'd of loved a little boy but she'll just be as perfect" Nikki smiles as reaches to brush some strands of hair out of Emily's face.

She sits there and looks at Emily, she can't get over their likeness and how gown up her tiny baby girl is now, the last time she saw her properly was her sixth birthday and even then she felt nothing towards Emily but now there was a glimmer of something drawing her to her daughter, she wasn't sure if it was the pregnancy hormones but she is more than sure she wants to keep a relationship with Emily from now on.

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