A new hobby

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A couple of weeks later, Emily as settled into life with Nikki and Jack, she has now started at a local secondary school which she is finding incredibly hard to settle in and make friends as she is used to a different school system in America.
Emily arrives home half an hour later than usual and unlocks the front door with the set of keys Nikki has given her as usually Jack and Nikki are working when she arrives home. She unlocks the door and heads inside before chucking her bag down to the floor and walking into the lounge. "Good day at school?" Jack speaks from the floor where he has been sat fixing a loose leg on the coffee table, He then glances up at the clock on the mantlepiece and then over his shoulder at Emily. "What time do you call this anyway? you Mum will be having kittens..." Jack speaks with a chuckle to his tone knowing Emily is in the clear as her Mum is at work. 

"It's awful... I hate it, they treat me like complete and utter shit..." Emily huffs and throws herself down to the sofa. Jack gets up off the floor and tidies up as the teenager lies on the sofa feeling sorry for herself. 

"Wallowing in self-pity will get you nowhere, what is the problem with the school" He speaks. 
 "Georgina Baines... she's a cow, she just hates me... She wound me up today... so I punched her..." Emily replies and Jack raises an eyebrow as he stops what he is doing. 

He thinks for a moment before reply, "Why? you do realize punching people won't solve anything" Jack replies. 
"Well, you punch people for money... She's vile Jack I hate her... she called me horrible names!" Emily says as she sits up trying to get her point across. 
"But that means nothing Emily, I compete, I wouldn't do it to anyone if they were annoying me!" 

Jack sits down in the armchair and looks at her, "Your Mum is going to be mad knowing you punched someone in school, anyway why were you half an hour late?" Jack questions, his soon to be step-daughter. 

"Because she challenged me to fight her... obviously I won," Emily says rolling her eyes. 
"You won?" Jack says raising his tone slightly. Emily nods and looks down at her phone while Jack sits and thinks to himself for a while. "...Emily, why don't you come down the gym with me and try out boxing as a hobby, I mean I can teach you... in the style of MMA" Jack smiles and waits for Emily's reply. There is no reply from Emily and he chuckles, "Emily Alexander are you listening to me?" 

Emily looks up from her phone and smiles, "Yeah sure... when?" She asks. 
"Whenever... as long as your Mum is fine with it!" Jack replies.
"You know Mum won't like me fighting, she thinks I'm into girly things like dancing and makeup... but woah, what saddo does that!" Emily replies making Jack realize Emily is a bit of a tomboy. 

Jack stands up from the armchair and looks at her, "Get changed... meet me in the garage" Jack replies and Emily huffs and gets up and heads upstairs to the room that she has now claimed and is starting to turn into her own room to get anyway from Jack and Nikki talking about the baby and work all the time. 

Ten minutes later Emily comes back downstairs through into the kitchen before opening the door to the garage and steps down into it, She looks at Jack who is stood beside a punching bag and then chucks her a set of MMA style boxing gloves that just have padding on the knuckles and wrist supports. "Come on the Mini Alexander... you wanted to box" Jack smiles and Emily smiles cheerfully at him and puts the gloves on and smiles awkwardly at him. 

Jack begins to show Emily what to do and then legs her have a go, although she is rather weak she gives it her all, "That's it, Emily, although the bag won't punch back keep your guard..." Jack smiles as stands behind her and shows her how to keep her guard. "Jab... Jab... hook... block!" Jack says to her and Emily picks up the sequence rather quickly. 

Around five minutes into the training session, Nikki arrives home and places her forensic case down in the hallway along with her handbag and briefcase full of paperwork on post-mortems. She strokes her bump and walks into the lounge and raises an eyebrow as she knows Jack and Emily should be home. 

She heads to investigate and walks into the kitchen and hears a faint voice from the garage followed by two people laughing, she opens the garage door to see Emily stood watching Jack explain a technique about boxing. "...teaching my daughter to box are you?" Nikki speaks and they both freeze. 
"It's self-defense Mum" Emily replies.
Nikki looks at Jack for answers as she holds her bump, "Just helping Emily with stress relief, she's got a talent Nik, you should consider her being in the under 16's MMA team at the club I go to" Jack speaks and Nikki instantly shakes her head. 
"But Mum..." Emily pleads.
"No but's Emily... you are not taking up this sport. it's too dangerous. Anyway, Jack, look at the state you come back in when you don't win."
"Nik, come on... Emily is good, anyway, half the kids in the under 16's are shite!" He speaks trying to compromise. 
"No Jack, she's my daughter... I am not letting her get hurt!" Nikki replies standing her ground.

"I hate you!" Emily shouts at Nikki and pulls the gloves off and glares at Nikki, "You're a horrible vindictive cow!" Emily shouts tearfully as she storms off and runs off upstairs. Nikki looks at Jack in complete shock of what her daughter has just come out with and Jack just shrugs his shoulders and puts away the two sets of gloves. 

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