XXVIII. Ding dong the bitch is back

Start from the beginning

"So you mean I'm not a vampire?" He frowns, Stefan gives him a look and Jeremy sighs, "Damn It." He mutters. 

    "Don't say that." I cry. Elena holds onto me and shakes her head. 

     "Jeremy-- Jeremy, why would you want that?"

"Did you hear about Anna, what happened to her tonight?" Jeremy seethes. "She's dead." 

    "Yeah, i know." I glare, " I was in there too." I say, my eyes glossing over. Jeremy's face falls, not knowing. 

    "Jeremy, Jeremy, come here, sit down." Stefan orders, sitting him on the bed. "I am very sorry about Anna," Jeremy kept trying to get out of his hold until Stefan grabbed his face, "But it's very important that you listen to me right now. With every passing moment, Anna's blood is leaving your system. If you tried to kill yourself right now, you could really die." 
    Jeremy tries to look away but Stefan gives a light slap on Jeremy's cheek. "Do you understand me?"

    "Stefan." Elena says alarmed. 

"Yeah, i understand." Jeremy glared. 

      "Good." Stefan stares at him for a second, before standing up, walking back over to Elena and I. 

    "What about the pills he took?" Elena asks I'm shocked she hasn't said anything about the kiss, maybe she's just waiting for everyone to leave so she can yell at me in private. 

    "He didn't take enough to die. So Anna's blood actually healed him of that." Stefan nods. There's a knock on the door and i look over, seeing an officer. 

    "Ms. Gilbert." Elena and i look to each other and I look back to the officer. 

     "I'll be right there." 

"You guys need to be at the hospital, not just for John, but for Carolin-" 

    "Caroline?" I ask confused. Stefan and Elena look to each other. "What's going on?" 

    "Alina.... Caroline, Matt,and Tyler got into an accident tonight, She's not doing so good." I let out a breath and nod. 

    "W-we need to be at the hospital." I say, looking over to Jeremy, "But..."

    "No, I'll stay here with Jeremy," Stefan assures, i look to Elena and she nods. I nod slowly but Jeremy pulls on my arm, shaking his head. 

    "No, i don't need a baby-sitter." He argues. 

"Yes, you do." Elena glares. "Come on, A." I give him a sympathetic look as i leave the room. 


     I rush into the hospital, looking for the boys. I called her mom and she told me that Care was in surgery. I look around, seeing Matt and run up to him. "Matty..." I call out. He sees me and gets up, hugging me.

    "How's Caroline?" I ask as pull away, Bonnie walks up after and we hug for a minute. 

    "How is she?" She asks. 

Matt shakes his head, sitting back in his chair, "She not good, guys." He lets out shakily. 

    "What happened?" Bonnie asks, sitting beside him. 

"We were driving and Tyler heard this noise." Matt sighs, Bonnie and I look to each other, a noise?

    "A noise?" I ask, crossing my arms. 

"Yeah, and he got this migraine or something. And he lost control of the car. A-And i thought that Caroline was fine, " He chokes out, "And then- and then she wasn't, so..." he sighs, running a hand through his hair. 

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