Chapter 15

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"Okay class, come in" my teachers voice says flatly from inside the classroom.

We all float in and slump in our chairs.

"Get out your books and laptops and do worksheets 3, 4, 5 and 6. Any you don't finish, do for homework" she says and opens her laptop.

I pull up the worksheets on my laptop and look up at the teacher who is smiling at her own, obviously on Facebook just like every other lesson.

I scribble the answers from the worksheets into my book and while I am I hear the unmistakeable buzz of a phone. I look around to find the culprit until I realise that it's my phone.

I unzip my pocket and slowly pull out my phone so no one notices. Pressing the button at the bottom it lights up and I see one message waiting for me.

Zane 2.14pm
Come to the oval.

Puzzled, I send my reply.

Ava 2.15pm

Zane 2.15pm
Cos you love me

Ava 2.16pm
That's an invalid answer.

Zane 2.16pm
Please, it's an emergency. If you love me you would do this for me.

Zane 2.17pm

Ava 2.17pm
How do I get out of class? I can't exactly ask the teacher if I can go out because my boyfriend/best friend asked me to.

Zane 2.18pm
Just say you feel sick, and ask to go to the toilet. They won't expect you to come back anytime soon if you say that.

Ava 2.19pm

I look up to the teacher and she is still beaming at her screen. I slip my phone back into my pocket and zip it up. I then make a small grunting noise and put my hand up.

"Miss," I say loudly, to get her attention. She looks at me.

"I feel kind of off, can I please go to the bathroom?"

She nods aggressively and I stand up and head out the door whilst holding my stomach, hoping it will make it seem more realistic.

Once I am out of reach of the classroom, I let go of my stomach and rush towards the oval.

I pass the main toilets and I slow down, keeping my balance as I walk down the hill to the oval. I can see a recognisable figure standing on the opposite side of the oval. Zane.

Still a fair distance away from him, a grin spread across my face. The normal effect of seeing the one you love.

Though as I got closer to him I noticed the nerves expressed on his face and in his simple gestures and my smile faded as I received a feeling there was something not right. I felt pressured by something but I didn't know what. Somehow, I felt like our Forever was lost.

"Zane?" I say, my voice suddenly wobbly. He gives me a small, reassuring smile but it just makes me more worried.

"Before I tell you what I need to, I want you to know how hard this is to say. Especially to someone I care about so much" he tells me. I nod.

"Ava," he says, looking down to the ground. My eyes fill up with tears just hearing the pain in his voice.

"I am moving to England" he says and lifts his head to look at me. Both my heart and jaw drop.


"Tomorrow" he says. "Please don't be angry because, like I said, it was so tough to tell you. I had to find all my courage to do this and it was almost too late"

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