Chapter 6

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I return home from school by the bus. I enter through the front door and race up to my room to avoid my Mum talking to me. I hear her start talking to me but as soon as I slam my door shut she stops.

I begin doing homework and hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I roll my eyes and concentrate on the words in front of me. Then I hear my door blast open, and in comes Mum.

I stand up in shock.

"What are you doing? Are you superman or something?!"

"I'm sorry for the loud noises, I just wanted to talk"

I sit back down and roll my eyes with a sigh.

"Yes?" I grunt pushingly.

"Okay, for one don't talk to me like that. Don't roll your eyes and don't grunt at me like a bear!" she says, seriously angry.

I squeeze out of my desk chair and stair up at her, my eyes squinting in pain and anger.

"I deserve to treat you like this. You are a selfish murderer. You haven't payed attention to me for...I don't even know how long. You have no idea what I have been going through, because you have just been focused in your own tangled up life. You practically killed my father. I can imagine that you regret the stupid thing you did but it is too late now. Don't you realise that you weren't the only one who loved him? I loved him as well, more than you because I still trusted him when you had given up on him. Our trust, respect and love has been long lost now. I have had so many things happen to me lately and you haven't been there for me. You could blame everything on my father but I could never believe you. I have always had belief in him. You can never reconnect the relationship Dad and I had because he is now dead, and you can never reconnect the relationship you and I had before it went downhill. How can I even call you my mother?"

I stand there, fury engulfing me. I can feel the hot air escaping my flared nostrils rapidly. I am shocked at my speech but it is everything that has been building up inside of me for years.

My mother is standing there, her eyes glistening jewels. Her mouth keeps opening and closing like a fish. Finally words come out.

"I'm sorry, Ava. I really am."

"Sorry doesn't bring Dad back to life or give me a second chance to have a happy childhood with you. Sorry can't fix everything." I say.

I continue standing there waiting for her first action. She just stares at me unsure on what to do. Just leave, I think. Leaving is the best option right now.

She turns, whipping her brown hair around, and walks away. I watch as she walks that she slightly slouches and her hair swishes as she walks.

While I am watching her walk away from me I feel a sense of regret. I start worrying about what she might do, what will happen, and that deep down even though she has caused me pain I do love her.

What have I done?

I called her the murderer when the real murderer could be me.

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