Chapter 14

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Zane pulls the car up at our school and gets out. He opens the door for me and I step out with my purse, thanking him.

We walk together to the back of the school, where the hall is.

While we are walking I glance at Zane and can see he is nervous. His face is straight and looking down and his hands are planted deep in his pockets.

I lightly hit him with my hand and I see him look at me in the corner of my eye then look in front of him with a slight smirk. He then takes my hand and I squeeze his.

We reach the hall and enter, hand in hand, just the way I want it. I wouldn't want to come into the dance holding anyone else's hand.

Our hands disconnect as we both are greeted by our friends. I am greeted with a series of hugs.

"So, Ava, you came with Zane?" one of them ask me.


"Zava! Zava!" two of my friends chant, causing me to blush. I look over to Zane and his friends and see Zane gazing at me. I throw him a grin and he smiles back.

I turn back to my friends and we talk about all the cute couples and who came with who, until we are called to sit down for dinner.

All my friends are taken away by their dates to a table until I am standing alone. Zane floats over to me.

"Let me escort you to a table, madam" he says cheekily. I take his outstretched hand and he takes me over to a table for two, where he pulls out my seat and I sit.

Soon enough the food arrives and everyone digs in. Zane keeps complimenting me the whole time and just can't stop cracking jokes.

Eventually everyone finishes eating and we are all invited onto the dance floor.

The music is turned up and the lights are dimmed as everyone jumps and dances to the music.

Towards the end of the night the DJ puts on slow songs and all the couples come together to dance.

Zane floats over to me and stands in front of me, holding out his hand.

"Ava," he says with a nervous grin. "Will you do the pleasure of dancing with me tonight?"

"That hardly makes sense but I would absolutely love to" I laugh.

He twirls me around and we go into a formal dancing stance.

We dance together for what seems like forever, but I am not complaining.

Soon enough my head is on his shoulder. We are silent and we are just treasuring the moment.

"Zane?" I say softly.

"Yes?" he smiles. I hold my head up and gaze into his eyes.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," he whispers back to me after letting my words linger for not a moment too long.

The space closes between us and my lips are on his. The electrifying feeling fills me up and I never want it to end.

Suddenly I remember what my Mum said. This is a time that I know I have to appreciate and I need to remember it in the best ways possible.

The thing is, it couldn't get any better than this.

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