fifteen. golden hour

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The Schönbrunn Palace was an enchanting baroque building in Hietzing, Vienna that was open to the local muggles and tourists.

It was a little different when it was built up to be some grande affair with the grounds transformed for the Championship Tournament that make it appear incredibly... unattractive.

Iola couldn't quite put together the idea that they would defile the gardens to create a stupendous dome that was likely made of tempered and enchanted to withstand the brunt of the spell it'll be target of, and Iola has to back a curse at the realization that her mother was right about the free for all that they were going to start with.

It felt like she was cheating, somehow, as if her mother was breathing down her neck to control her.

Apparently, though, it was something that her mother liked to do so it wouldn't be too far fetched a situation.

She could see the beauty that was hidden underneath it all the same, the crisp green grass beneath the dome something to behold amidst the layers of snow. It was a wonder how they held this all from the muggle public in such a high attraction tourist zone, but if she knew Ludo Bagman in the slightest then she knew he was always one for extravagance. The man would be around her somewhere, likely taking bets as he always does — as though he would actually make some sort of profit from them.

"Is Mademoiselle ready to sign in?" Ponpy asks, peeking up from behind the suitcase.

She eyes him, glancing down at the little creature. "Do it for me. I'd like to go and prepare."

He scurries away, carting her luggage with him and she stands in place as she considers calling him back to take her suitcase from him. It wasn't right to be cross with him knowing that there was nothing that he could have realistically done to help her in the end.

But she couldn't help it. He knew. He knew! He knew what was what being done to her and had said nothing, had given no hint or had tried to save her, and Iola felt she had every right to be bitter with the small elf if she really wanted to. This was her life, her entire life, and her mother was trying to erase parts of who she was just so she could control her.

"It's nice, yes? Took quite a bit of the budget to get all this approved." The voice sends a shiver down her spine.

"You have outdone yourself this time, Monsieur Bagman," she says, not turning to face the man. "What will they expect for the finalists?"

The man laughs. "I have big plans for the finals. You'll just have to wait and see."

"I suppose I will."

"Do you enjoy it? Look at the beauty of it all," he says, motioning to the dome. "You'll be sent in groups to weed down the competition before the duels are to take place."

She nods. "It's nice, of course, I am simply worried that I will not be able to return for the Yule Ball. You'll be there as well, I imagine?"

"I wouldn't dare miss a good party!" he crows. "You have your dress ready to impress your date, then?"

Iola snorts, rolling her eyes at the man. He was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. He was doing a terrible job of prying for information.

"I have my dress and a dance partner for the evening. I do not wish to leave him alone," she admits, looking at him purposefully. "I would be quite happy to return in time."

Ludo takes a moment to think it over and she waits as he tries to piece it all together. He wasn't the smartest man, but she was certain that wasn't why the Ministry had hired him. She wasn't even sure if he did have a reason to hire him -- he was quite terrible at his job, after all, and only managed to get away with what he did because of who he was.

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