- i n t r o -

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[i n t r o d u c t i o n]

She was a sensation, a star of a girl featured in the lastest teen witch magazines standing on the front cover with carefully kept dark waves and alluring eyes. She was the girl that tried too hard to look like she didn't try at all, the type of person that made things simply look easy.

With a tournament of a lifetime occurring and a request for her presence, Iola follows her classmates, headmistress and mother to Hogwarts, never having expected the turn of events that would follow.

Never would she expect that all she needed was a good laugh.


in which a girl drowning in herself learns who she is once more and what it means to be happy.

[c a s t]

Amelia Zadro


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[d i s c l a i m e r]

I do not in any shape or form own Harry Potter. All rights go to JK Rowling Anything that is familiar comes from her work.

However, I do own Iola-Colette Bouchard as well as any other original character and the storyline that involves them. Please do not steal my work or ideas, I have worked very hard on them.

** may contain darker scenes and themes **

Delicate Magic ► George WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora