Chapter 18: Hunter?!?!?

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"Mi' lady" a voice called out.

"Speak" a blood curdling voice laced out in irritation

"Mi'lady, we may have found them." The voice spoke again

" 'MAY'. It is either you found them or not. Simple. So, tell me did you find them or not?" The feminine voice spoke again in irritation, causing those around her to shake in fear, her voice dark and full of hate.

The man she spoke to, nodded his head. Took a deep breath and tried his best not to stutter his words.

"Yes Mi'lady. My apologies. In the far southern side, two men mated. One vampire and one werewolf." The man said, with his head hung low.

He loathed the women above him, but had no choice but to serve her and find any male werewolf mated with a male vampire.

Finally he had found one pair in the Southern hemisphere. He pitted them and felt extremely sorry, however, he had to do it. For his family, his wife and children where captured by the horrible creature in front of him.

"Make preparations. We will leave at dawn tomorrow." She ordered.

She started to laugh. The horrendous laugh made the bystanders skin itch as if their all had a terrible rash. The laugh could even possibly make one's ear bleed. That's how torturous the lady's laugh was.

She noticed the man still kneeling and got irritated by the sight of him.

"WHAT????!!!?"  She screamed causing a window to shatter.

"My..My family... can I see them?" The man asked, a little hesitant.

"What!" She said, mockingly causing the man to lift his head in horror.

"Please, just a few minutes." The man begged, his head touching the ground "Please, Mi'lady"

"Take him to them. 5 minutes is all you get." She side glanced and ordered the man to her left and then spoke to the man begging her.

"Thank you, Mi'lady" he said and got up quickly following the shorter slim man.

"Come quick, they have been asking for you for the past three months." The short slim man whispered to Jack, once their where out of earshot.

"Thank you Hunter, for looking after them while I was gone." The man we now know as Jack, thanked the short man.

"I have no idea how a kind soul as you is related to that... that thing" Jack said once more. He was always amazed at how kind and pure Hunter was and how he was a complete opposite of his sister, perhaps the devil itself.

"Don't speak such stuff or you might never see your family again" Hunter warned him in fear of his sister.

He hated her as much as anyone else, but also pitted and felt sorry for her and her current state.

They turned a left and Hunter quickly opened the dungeon gates.

"Had any dreams again?" Jack whispered in his softest voice

Hunter grew a blush and smiled shyly, nodding his head.

"I'm sure, you will meet him soon" Jack patted him on the back with a small smile of his own.

Hunter slightly flinched when Jack's hand touched his back, causing Jack to halt in steps and a dark expression to fill his face.

"She beat you up again!" Jack gritted through his teeth. What sister wakes their brother's sleep only to beat them up.

"Why don't you just runaway and just leave" Hunter had heard this for the thousandth time from Jack, but he was too afraid to do it. Too afraid his sister will hunt him and his mate down and kill them in a blink of an eye.

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