Chapter 4: Forced Together

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A/N: guys I just want you'll to know that there will probably be a lot of POV switching in many chapters, so we can have a perspective of both they thoughts on certain things. Maybe I should write in 3rd person to make it easier? Thoughts on this?

Theo's POV 

I feel so annoyed and irritated and every possible negative and conflicting emotion possible. I just want to chill in the sun, read some books and relax, but no! Your parents force you and literally bribe you into spending time with your long life elementary school enemy.

Oh shush! I'm not being a drama queen, chill your cookies. Okay.

I just put on house wearing causal clothes as I get myself ready. Once I'm done, I go down the stairs that enters into an open space TV room, seeing my siblings waiting patiently for me. Hmph! Why did mum have to use them as one of the bribes, they too adorable to say no too.

"Come on, let's go" I call them and the run to my jeep packed outside, I take the picnic basket and blankets from mum, while she puts a beach umbrella into the back with the other things we would need when we are at the beach.

"Behave and be nice to Kyran. He's been through alot" Mum says strictly.

"Yeah, yeah" I say, nodding my head. Feeling like that was another bribe that let me get sucked into this day.

As Kyran's house isn't that far from ours, it was like a 2 minute drive to his house, when we reached I hooted for him, while the kids fought for what song their want to listen to next.

"Right! That's enough fighting. If it continues I'll leave you'll at home. Understood?" I scolded in a gentle way, but making sure my tone wasn't so gentle.

"Yes Theo" they scream in unison. oh gosh, that twin talking freaks me out sometimes.

After a few minutes I see Kyran walking out his house. His in black shorts that sit on his thighs. 'Damn! Those thighs look se-' What the flip, I stop myself from completing that sentence and growl out, clearly annoyed.

He jumps in the front seat asking "What's got your panties in a twist" I just glare at he noticing the slight giggles that escape my siblings. I turn the car on and just ignore his question.


The beach is a little far from our homeland, meaning it's like an hour and a half drive long until we reach our destination.

Half way through, I released a yawn, twisting my tired body. I blink my eyes trying to get rid of my sleepiness.

"Pull over" I hear a hushed voice that sounded sweet. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!?!??!?

Before I even shout my response, which I was going to shout and ask him what's his problem making the drive longer; he put his finger on my lip, shushing me indicating that Kiba and Kena are asleep. I'm sure I looked shocked, but that's not what I'm shocked about. It's his Fucking touch, it literally sent a bone shiver down my back. I quickly composed myself, hoping he never noticed; but with the weird stare I'm receiving, I guess he noticed. He never question me, rather he just said: "pull over, I'll drive while you get some sleep. Didn't you'll go for a late run yesterday" his words left me shocked and speechless, leaving me to only nod at his suggestion. Who knew the blood sucker is such a caring being.

Pulling over I get out of the drivers seat, while he got in. I took my place in the passengers seat closing my eyes, thinking to never associate anything dreamily sexy and mate-like to Kyran and his smugly gorgeous hot body. Argggh, mind can you shut the hell up. I i tell myself and buckled in, closed my eyes and immediately fell into the land of dreams.

Kyran's POV

The idiotic mutt was really tired, he fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Guess his more tired because their where with the elders and younger wolves.

For some reason, after I woke up for my attacks, as I like to call it, my parents along with the Crest family, having being treating me very differently, especially Theo.

On any normal day, the mutt will literally throw me out the window, just so we not in the same room. He'd growl aggressively at me, if I turned his way or even glanced at him. For all I can remember, Theo and I, where always in an argument or fighting with each other or even pranking each other.

But now! NOW! Now, his literally letting me drive his most prized jeep which he built up himself or something like that. His sitting like a few centimetres away from me, he even visited me when I was 'asleep' and everyday after that, making some excuse that he was just accompanying Kiba and Kena. Really you shit head I saw straight through you with all the glances I could feel on my face. What's worse is, that after some time when I'm in this sleep-like coma, or whatever it is I go into; I get to hear what the people around me are talking about. It's good in a way; but this time I don't think I should have heard what he said and I'm trying to ignore it but his actions just make my heart all soft and mushy for him.


"You know, when we where small I thought you where awesome and adventurous and kind, always happy and always including me, when I felt left out. After some time I started liking you. Crazy right. But I looked up to you and admired you so much. I know things changed when we enter elementary, and that's because I had a bad experience and I wanted to share with you. But when I came to school, you were no more mine. You showed other people your kind smile, that you'd always showed me only. You'd hardy talked to me and acknowledge me and it hurt me even more. All I wanted was for you to tell me I'd be okay, but that didn't happen. So I gave up and started resenting you and messing with you; but you just made it worse when you took that pencil away from me. That pencil was special and your would have known why, if you had spoken to me that day. But all is slowly being forgotten and I don't know why. I don't know whether it's the Alpha-king bond, me or you but for some reason all those flutterly feelings I felt for you years ago, are once coming back to me, and they are stronger than ever. Your pale skin seems bright, the smiles you let out I just want to kiss you sometimes. Arrggggghhhhhhhhhhh, it's so frustrating I know I'm meant to only have these feelings for my mate and that's why it's hurting me more. Why is this happening to me."

~~~~~END of flashback~~~~~

Is what Theo had said to me, it's making me see him in a different light, in a light as he said, I should only see feel for my mate.

I take a sidewards glance towards him. His lips slightly parted letting out soft breathes. His lips bright pink and plum, so enticing.

I turn my eyes back onto the road, wondering what had happened to us and our friendship. What happened to him, when he was away and came back wanting to tell me something important to him. And mostly what will happen to us in the future.

Thinking hard for three days straight, after waking up, and wrecking my brain to remember why I didn't talk with Theo that day, I finally remembered why I ignored him. Oh wow what a stupid thing to be angry about. I, me, Kyran, was angry because Theo, left to go stay with his relatives overseas, without saying goodbye to me. And also because he broke a promise with me. What a silly promise to be angry about now. Who promises to go fishing the entire summer vacation. Oh goddess please help us. I think to myself, pulling into the beach parking lot, releasing a sigh as if the world was on my shoulders, and some weight had been removed.

A little long chapter than the previous
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