Len's Sweet Nurse

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Hey everyone! I'm finally updating!!! :o) Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. It's a sweet fluffy chapter before some angst next chapter so BE WARNED!!!! >:) Enjoy!
P.S. I hope you like the picture. :D
Chapter 15: Len's Sweet Nurse
School, an accursed abomination in the lives of teens everywhere. At least, that's what Hana thought. Dragging her feet down the halls, she tries to concentrate on getting to her next class so she can eat the delicious angel food cake her mother packed for her that day. Not playing attention to where she's going, she slips into an abandoned classroom, thinking it's her own. Glancing around, Hana mentally slaps herself and turns to leave the room when a tuff of blonde curls catches her attention.

In the corner of the room is Shimizu's sleeping figure, his cello propped up next to him. Worried, Hana cautious steps forward and gently shakes him awake, hoping that the two of them won't be late to their next class. Soft lashes flutter open, revealing soft baby blue eyes that stare into Hana's deep forest green pair. "Shimizu-kun, you're going to be late for class." Hana whispers softly, gently pulling him to his feet. Shimizu nods sleepily and allows Hana to guide him back to his class, which is just across the hall from her own. The teacher glances up from his lesson plans and smiles in relief at the sight to the sleepy cellist.

"Thank you, Yukimura-san. I haven't been able to find Shimizu since first period. If you could please drop him off at the empty desk next to the second window?"

Hana obediently does as she is told and throws Shimizu one last worriedly look before dashing across the hall to her classroom a split second before the bell rang. Thankfully, her teacher is not in the room yet so she's safe. Sitting quietly next to Fuyuumi, she begins to daydream as well as wonder why in the world Shimizu would skip class. Sure, class was boring, but as a participant, Shimizu had to keep his grades up. So why? Hana frowns and determines to eat lunch with him and find out.
Kahoko walks down the halls of the music building during lunch, looking for a place to practice. Scowling at yet another full room, she moves down to the last two rooms of the hallway. Getting closer to the said rooms, she hears a sad melody coming from a violin. (Video above; Sad Romance by Xanh)

"Eh? Mizuki-chan's practicing today? I thought that she needed to get help with her math homework during lunch." Kahoko mutters walking over to the room. She twists the knob and quickly walks inside, not bothering to announce her presence. "Mizuki-chan," she calls over her shoulder as she sets down her violin. "Are you done do--"

Kahoko's question dies in her throat as she gazes at the other occupant of the room. It is most definitely not Mizuki.
"Achoo!" Mizuki sneezes loudly. "Whoa, that came out louder than expected." she mutters softly to herself seconds before a sharp ruler slams into her desk. She flinches and looks up at the beady eyes of the advanced math teacher. She gives him a weak smile and goes back to doing her work. Behind her, she hears Ryotaro chuckle in amusement, causing her to glower and hunker down into her seat glaring at the accursed math problem. Since when was math necessary anyways? 'Just plug it into the calculator!' she mentally rants as she scrawls out the answer finally and checks her work.

The teacher finally gives her leave to go to lunch, which she gratefully takes and throws a sympathetic look to the regular math students who had to go through several more minutes of torture. "ACHOO!!!" Mizuki sneezes again. "Goodness, somebody's talking about me."

"EHHHH!!!!" Kahoko screeches loudly a split second before a hand clasps firmly over her mouth.

"Sheesh, what is with you and screaming bloody murder?"

"B-bu-but...." she sputters quietly, trying to rewire her smoking brain.

"Yes, I play the violin."

Music of the Lost: La Corda D'OroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя