Music of the Lost: Departure

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Hello people! I'm back with a new chapter for you all! Sorry for the long wait. I blame laziness and writer's block. :o( Anyways, thanks so much for your support. Your comments (even if they are critiques) really make my day so ARIGATO!!!! :o)


Chapter 14: Departure

"Mizuki, Mizuki!" Hana shouts, banging on the door loudly, clearly frustrated. Everyone is waiting to leave. How could she possibly still be asleep?!?!?! "YUKIMURA MIZUKI I'M COMING IN!" Hana roars as loudly as her small body could and slams her foot into the door.





"ITAI!!!!!!!" Hana wails, hopping on her left foot while cradling her right in her hands. She leans against the hallway wall for support while glaring viciously on the door. "Stupid, wooden--"

A chuckle from behind cuts her short. Whirling around she gapes in horror as Ryoutaro stands nearby, leaning against a wall. "Yo," he says casually, his lips widening in an amused smile. Hana's face turns pink with embarrassment.

"Shut up!" she tries to shout, but her voice cracks loudly before she could finish a word. Her already red face turns a deeper red as steam seems to rise out of her ears.

Ryoutaro's rumbling laugh rings through the hallway as he gently rubs her head with his large calloused hand. "That just made my day." he snickers, a soft smile on his face as Hana cranes her neck upwards to look at him. "Arigato, Hana-chan."

The blush comes back full force, but before Hana could hide it, a hand gently lands on her shoulder. She whirls around again, but her sore foot as other ideas and promptly collapses under her. She grunts softly as she finds herself leaning against someone's warm chest. She looks up to see Shimizu gazing at her with concern mixed with his normal sleepy look.

"Sh-shimizu-kun!" she squeaks, stepping back but only wobbles dangerously until Ryotaro grabs hold of one arm, and Shimizu grabs the other. "U-um,"

Hana's brain is currently malfunctioning. Ryotaro sighs at the girl's frazzled state and turns to Shimizu who blankly stares at him while holding up a first aid kit. Ryotaro blinks in surprise at the box that suddenly appeared in his kohai's* hand but quickly grows uncomfortable at Shimizu's blank, unwavering stare.

"Goodness," he mutters lifting Hana in his arms and plopping her (still) frazzled self onto the couch. "How did I get myself in this situation?"

"Sempai, I'll take care of Yukimura-chan's foot. Could you please make sure all of our things are downstairs?" Shimizu asks with a slight frown on his face as he opens the kit.

"Uh, sure. I'll be back to help her downstairs." Ryotaro replies, waving his hand over his shoulder and walking off. Shimizu bites his tongue to keep himself from making an absurd comment.


"Oi! How long are you going to stay in there practicing?" Daisuke asks sharply as he suddenly swings open the practice room door.

"ACK!" is the responding shriek as a certain red head spins around, hand clenched around the neck of her violin. Daisuke takes in her sputtering frazzled state in a glance and pointedly ignores her attempts to scold him.

"Hino-chan," he says quietly, turning to her with eyes flashing. Kahoko shuts up immediately. "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter? What are you talking about? Nothing's wrong." Kahoko says with a shaky laugh. Daisuke merely stares at her with a frown etched on his face. "W-well, I'm kinda nervous, ya know. The second concours is right around the corner, and there's so much--"

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