Music of the Lost: Wavering Melody

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Hey guys! Sorry I kind of left you hanging last chapter, but it's just how it is I guess. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. I'm not entirely sure how much I'm going to add to or change in this part of the story to bear with me. :P Enjoy and don't forget to comment!


Chapter 10: Wavering Melody

Anna: Sure you can! I know you can!

'Cause for the first time in forever,

Elsa: Oh

I'm such a fool!

I can't be free!

Anna: You don't have to be afraid...

Elsa: No escape from the storm inside of me!

Anna: We can work this out together!

Elsa: I can't control the curse!

Anna: We'll reverse the storm you've made

Elsa: Anna, please, you'll only make it worse!

Anna: Don't panic!

Elsa: There's so much fear!

Anna: We'll make the sun shine bright!

Elsa: You're not safe here!

Anna: We can face this thing together!

Elsa: No!

Anna: We can change this winter weather!

Elsa: AHHHHH...

Anna: And everything will be all right...

Elsa: I CAN'T!*

Mizuki opens her eyes once the song ended, signaling the end of her short nap. She had woken up several times during the night by nightmares and memories. Finally, she decides to listen to music until she fell asleep. Sadly, it was four a.m. by the time she falls asleep. She glances at the discarded piles of music, and on the top of the nearest one is Silent Noon by Vaughan Williams. Just the sight of the slightly battered music brings painful memories flooding to the forefront of her mind. The word 'DISQUALIFIED' rings again and again in her head. How could this happen? Kanazawa never got a letter saying anything about a change in rules.

"Why?" she croaks out as the door to her room bursts open. Daisuke stands in the doorway, stoic and ready for school. She doesn't think that she'll be able to face all of the stares. He sighs at his sisters pitiful state and sets his bag down in the doorway before making his way to her.

"Come on," he whispers gently, prodding her out of bed. "Let's get you ready for school. We've got to leave in ten minutes."

"I can't, Daisuke, not like this." she whimpers back, her form shaking slightly with repressed sobs as the scene plays over and over in her head like a broken record. Daisuke scowls at this, promising that he will punish the person who did this to his sister because even though everyone else is convinced that it is a tragic accident, he refused to think so. The change is too sudden, and the lack of communication to the competitors is strange to say the least.

"Come on!" he says more forcefully, grabbing his sister and slinging her over his shoulder. "You are going to school whether you like it, or not!" He unceremoniously dumps her onto the floor of her bathroom, tosses her her school uniform and closes the door.

Mizuki sighs and begins to go through the motions of getting ready, though her heart had been left behind in her gentle bed covers. After brushing her teeth and taming her hair, she slips in her uniform carefully and looking into the mirror. The sad, slightly ringed by bags, blue eyes that stare back at her remind her of another pair of eyes that would look the same way today. A pair of golden eyes that would've evaded sleep through the weekend, worrying about her. Taking a deep breath, she slaps her cheeks hard and opens the door of the bathroom. Grabbing all of her things, she dashes down the stairs to grab a quick breakfast.

Music of the Lost: La Corda D'OroOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant