chapter fourty four

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The last show was in Charlottesville and Ariana wasn't feeling too good at all. The next show is tomorrow and she's made it very clear that she wasn't cancelling.

I was up all night last night making sure she was okay and that she could breathe properly.

She kept telling me that she wasn't sick and it was just a sinus infection that she'd had since London.

I still called for a doctor because even though she was playing it cool, I knew she was feeling horrible and that it wouldn't go away when she's performing back to back shows.

Ariana and I were sitting on a day bed in the hotel room while her family and friends come to check on her throughout the day.

"I'm fine y/n, I really am. You didn't have to tell everyone," she giggled and I looked at her, raising an eyebrow.

"The doctor is coming in half an hour, they said they'll give you a vitamin IV drip," I told her and she rolled her eyes playfully.

"I don't need it, I'm fine," she retorted but I rolled my eyes at her and pecked her lips.

There was a knock at the door. I jumped up from the day bed and jogged to get the door.

Brian and Alfredo were standing there with a couple of bags and grins on their faces. I let them in and gave them hugs before taking them to Ari.

"We have more visitors!" I told her and she greeted them with warm hugs. I picked up Toulouse and held him in my arms while the boys showed Ari what they bought her.

I sat on the bed and watched as she filmed them showing her the things they in the bag. She thanked the boys and giggled. Her laugh was so cute it makes my heart melt every time I hear it.

"If you need anything else, just give us a call," Brian said while Ari stared at the cucumber confused.

"The cucumber is for hydration not for any freaky shit," Alfredo told her and we all laughed.

"I will do whatever I want with that cucumber," She smirked and the boys looked at her disgusted. Ari looked over at me and winked. My face went bright red.

"Ight we're going to head off now," Brian nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

I stood up and let them out, saying goodbye to them. I walked back in to see Ari smirking up at me. I walked over to her as she sat cross-legged on the day bed. I brought her head into my stomach and held the back of her held, running my fingers through her hair.

"There's no way," I said simply and she giggled pulling her head back, giving me a pout.

"You're sick, stop being horny," I leaned down to her level and pecked her lips.

"Yeah but I'm not sick, I can still fuck yo-" she said but was interrupted by a knock at our hotel room door.

"I'll get it," I told her but she grabbed my hand and we walked to the door together. We opened the door seeing a man with a big case and a stethoscope around his neck.

"Good afternoon, I'm Doctor Wilson. It's lovely to meet you," he said putting his hand out to shake. I immediately took his hand, Ariana did the same after.

"Come in! Thank you for coming. My girlfriend has been feeling sick for quite a while and she has a show tomorrow night and she's hoping to get better by then," I told the doctor and he chuckled.

"Hmm okay, take a seat and I'll check a few things," he said and Ariana sat on an arm chair that was in the main lounge area. She didn't let my hand go as he checked her temperature, heart rate, nose, throat and ears.

Sweetener Tour Romance (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now