chapter fourty three

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This morning was wonderful and we had a pretty lazy day after that but Ari was planning on doing some ice skating later. I was terrified because I wasn't going to be even close to good and she knew that.

Courtney, Alexa, Doug, Aaron, Ariana and I are going out for dinner then we were going to ice skate.

Ariana wore a big puffy jacket and she let me borrow one of hers since I didn't have anything for this freezing weather.

We walked downstairs and all of her friends were waiting there in the foyer.

Everyone said hey and gave each other a hug before we left to go eat. It was a short walk but also a freezing one too. Ariana was smart and wore gloves whereas I mine were ice cold. She intertwined our fingers, giving them a bit of warmth.

We walked into the restaurant and took our coats off as the temperature changed suddenly while walking inside.

"Hello, would you like a table for six?" A waiter asked and we all nodded. She brought over to a table and we settled in and read the menu. Ariana's eyes peeped over the menu and I giggled.

"What are you ordering?" She asked me and I shrugged. We held our hands together under the table as we sat next to each other.

"I'm going to get this," she said showing me her menu and I nodded my head.

"Sounds yum, I'll get the same," I told her and she pecked my lips.

We ordered our food and had great table conversations about weird things.

Once our food came, the conversations went on until it was time to pay and head out onto the ice.

We did a spilt bill and the waiter thanked us as put our coats back on. We thanked the her and left the restaurant.

We made our way to the rink at the Rockefeller Center. We stopped to take photos in front of the Christmas decorations and finally we arrived. I watched everyone skating with ease and my anxiety lowered a bit as it looked so peaceful.

We paid for our renting gear and began to put the boots on. Ari helped me stand up and we made our way to the ice. She filmed me struggling and falling down multiple times. Her friends did laps around me as I held onto the barrier and Ariana's arm for support.

"You'll get used to it, it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it," she told me, pecking my lips.

After an hour we decided to head back to the apartment so we could rest our feet. We handed back our boots and headed back to Ari's apartment in the private car.

We took some cute selfies and even posted a few on our Instagram stories. Ari cuddled into me and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"We're here," the driver announced and we all thanked him and got out of the car. It began to snow and Ari watched me play with the snow like a child as her friends waited inside the foyer area.

"Baby it's cold, can we go inside?" She asked me and I poured then nodded my head.

We took the elevator up to her apartment floor and we all slumped on the couches. We put a movie on and grabbed some snacks as well.

Half way through the movie, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked beside me where Courtney was and she smiled at me.

"Can I have you phone so I can send the photos we took tonight?" She asked and I took out my phone.

"Oh wait they're all on Ari's phone," I remembered, taking her phone from the coffee table and handing it to her. After a while I heard her gasp and throw the phone onto a spare bean bag in front of her. Everyone looked over at her.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly and she looked at Ariana and I horrified. I instantly knew why and my heart beat in my chest a thousand times a minute.

"Y-you guys made a s-" she began to say and I leaned on her and I covered her mouth with my hand. Ariana gave her a stern look.

"Shut up Courtney! You weren't mean to see that! Why were you on my phone anyway?" Ariana yelled out and I avoided eye contact with my frustrated girlfriend.

"I was sending the photos we took tonight to myself and then I stumbled across it!" Courtney defended herself and I face palmed myself.

"Stumbled across what?" Alexa asked and that's when all of Ariana's friends paid attention to what was going on.

"Nothing! It's for y/n and I! No one else! Ariana still argued which kind of entertained Courtney.

"Next time, keep you little video somewhere private where no one can see it," she smirked and Ariana huffed angrily. She crossed her arms and pouted, staring at the tv.

By now all of her friends figured out what Courtney found but they kept quite and pretended like they heard nothing.

Ariana placed her head on my lap and her nails traced circles on my leg. I ran my fingers through her hair.

The movie finished and I was the only one still awake. I was quite tired so I picked Ariana up and took her upstairs. I laid her on the bed and dressed her into some sweatpants and a baggy tshirt. I dressed the same and brushed my teeth.

I laid beside her in bed and tucked her in. She unconsciously wrapped her body around me while she still slept. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes.

My thoughts ran wild as I stressed about Courtney seeing the recording. I hoped that she could keep her mouth shut and never bring it up ever.

I eventually fell asleep hearing the sounds of New York outside and Ariana's soft breathing.


Hey everyone!!
Sorry for the short chapter I know it's pretty shit but I hope the drama saved it.
Thank you for voting and showing your support for this book!! I really appreciate it xxx

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