"Let's get to class," I smiled gently as I tugged on his hands, withdrawing from his body. I let him guide us to our first period class, I really didn't want to go to third period though, the hoe is in there and she will stop at nothing to get her hands on Luke, I refuse for those chances.




Okay, so maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I've surprised my last few teachers when I got the answers correct. But right now is lunch time and Luke is doing an important telephone call and Ray left because he threw up in class.

"Twinkle, twinkle little star. I got news for you all so far!" Marcus exclaimed causing me to shrink in on myself. He was supposed to be suspended from school for a week for starting a fight and having drugs. I didn't know he was back, I felt my hands trembling, I quickly wrapped my arms around my body. He knows too much about me and I'm ruined, I'm going to cry, where's Luke?! Come on, Toby, keep your head up, you can do this.

"Seems like the bad boy, ain't so bad after all. Pathetic mutt trying to fit in. Finally, you show your true colors princess," he smirked as he approached. I slowly slid back on the bench, trying to keep my composure but I knew that wasn't going to last long.

"You've been a really bad boy lately, Tobias," he frowned causing me to wince. "Acting like a little whore, like mother like son,"

"I-I'm not," I frowned. No, I wasn't. I'm still a virgin. I didn't belong to anyone because I fronted myself. He can't claim me, because I'm already Luke's, and Luke is mine.

"Oh really? So when I explicitly said that you're MINE, and mine only, then you rushed off to Mr. Hotshot an-"

"I'm not yours, I'm his," I mumbled causing him to stop. He chuckled maniacally before grabbing my shirt and pulling me close.

"What the FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, LITTLE SLUT?" I trembled as I looked at the rage taking over his features.

"I said, I'm his," I announced, pushing him in attempts to get him off.

Next thing I knew, I was on the floor with a mind splitting headache and a throbbing cheek. I quickly sat up, looking up at a red-faced Marcus, getting ready to grab me again. I trembled and winced away from him, shutting my eyes waiting for him to grab me, but he didn't. I peeked my eyes open to see Luke holding him by the arms. His composure was proper, but his face was seething in rage, he just stared at me, but I couldn't wipe the panic off my face as I stared back at him. His jaw ticked before looking at Marcus.

"What's going on here?" He asked. Marcus simply chuckled and shoved Luke off of him.

"Oh look here, it's the thief. Didn't I tell you to stay away from what's mine?"

My eyebrows raised in surprise, he's been told to stay away from me?

"He wasn't yours in the first place, stand down Marcus, before this gets any worse for you,"

Marcus deeply chuckled, squaring himself up with Luke before spitting in his face.

"Are you challenging me, Luke?"

Luke looked over at me before returning his attention to a smirking Marcus.


With that Marcus immediately swung his left fist into Luke's abdomen. So it began, the punches from Marcus and quick dodging maneuvers from Luke. Marcus looked annoyed that about 75% of his punches missed Luke's frame, and after three minutes of swinging he chuckled. Marcus dug out a pocket knife from his back pocket and my heart stopped. I quickly scrambled up and tackled Marcus, causing him to drop the knife. He only laughed in response, quickly wrapping his hand around my throat and stood up, pulling me with him.

Luke looked livid as Marcus chuckled, trailing his nose along the crevasse of my neck. I clenched my teeth and heavily exhaled through my nose to try and calm my nerves. God, my head hurts so bad.

"Look who came running to me, and you thought he chose you?" Marcus laughed moving his hand to underneath my jaw, and proceeded in squishing my cheeks. Unfortunately for me, in that fight or flight system, I was the one who had the frozen in fear reaction. My heart was racing, I screwed my eyes shut once I felt his lips close to my ear.

"Did you know that Toby here, has one of the sweetest scents around? Makes me wonder if he tastes that way too,"

By the end of his sentence, Marcus began to glide his tongue along my neck. Thankfully it was only there for a millisecond, because Luke had shoved him off of me, and pulled me behind his back. Luke swiftly grabbed Marcus by his collar, pulled back his arm and launched it straight into Marcus' nose. Then again to his eye, cheek, nose once more. It took seven football players to pull Luke off of Marcus, who sat up and looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Don't you dare touch him ever again! If you dare touch what's mine I swear a
5000 mile radius from me wouldn't stop me from kicking your ass," he barked causing Marcus to slowly scoot away. The football players let him go, once he raised his hands, indicating that he was done. This was a lot to take in, my body was becoming numb and stars came up in my vision. I took in a deep breath and slowly dropped onto the nearest seat. I couldn't formulate a thought without my head feeling like someone was stomping on it.

"Toby, can you hear me?" I blinked and looked up to see Luke crouching in front of me. He looked so handsome today in a gray button down shirt, it matched his eyes.

"Toby?" He asked again, he just sounded so far away. But hearing his voice, and seeing his face, I smiled. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but the ringing in my ears screamed for attention.

"Head. Hurts," I breathed out.

I stood up and swayed before collapsing back down to the seat. I groaned and clutched my head to try and squeeze the throbbing sensation in it. Did I hit something when Marcus slapped me? I felt the crowd staring at me, I could hear yelling between Marcus and the teachers, and Luke trying to call out for me. I just couldnt respond, the yelling, the ringing, it was becoming too much, way too much. I couldn't breathe, I felt like I was short circuiting, like I was falling into an abyss. Everything was blurring. Suddenly, an arm went under my knees and behind my back, and slowly was I lifted from my seat. I opened my eyes to see Luke intently staring towards the cafeteria doors, before taking deep strides towards it.
Just like that, everyone fell silent, and made way for Luke and I to get through.

To be continued...

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