"I have enough of you. Just get out of my sight." He says, and It's one of the words I have wished to hear for a long time.

"Will do," I smiled and bowed. I left, and once I got out of the mansion. I smelled freedom. Finally.


It's been a few days since Jennie got home. She's been acting weird, and I couldn't do anything but let her be. She's been sleeping in the guest room whenever I ask what was wrong. She'd answer that she was tired. What happened in Seoul? And why did Chaeyoung mean when she called me?

Jennie is now in the guest room, not bothering even to go out until she eats or takes a bath. I'm getting worried. I gathered all the courage, went inside the room, and saw her covered by the blanket.

"What do you want?" She says almost too harshly. I sat on the edge of the bed and slowly slid down the blanket from her face.

"Please, tell me what's wrong. It pains me to see you like this."

"See me like what?"

"Seeing you unhappy."

She sighs and closes her eyes. "Will you be honest with me?" She whispers, and seeing her so sad and vulnerable breaks me. 

"For you, anything," I replied as I cupped her cheek and caressed it with my thumb in a delicate matter.

"Why did you lie to me? Why did everyone lie to me?" She says, and I freeze from my spot. Did she remember? I smiled bitterly as I looked at her with guilt written all over my face.

"I knew getting you to Seoul would help you regain your memories," I confessed, and I felt her hand tighten on my arm. Her tears were slowly streaming down her face.

"Why?" She cracks.

I chuckled, "There are a lot of things I lied about. Which one?" 

"You knew my parents disapproved of letting me travel to Seoul. Then why did you?" She asks and plays with the ring on my finger. 

I shook my head, and I heard her sob. "Because I knew it was the right thing to do so. We were never even legally married, Jennie,"

"Then why did you pretend?"

"Your parents asked me to," I say, and her eyes furrow in confusion. "Maybe it's time that I tell you this. Promise me to hear everything out?" 

"I have been in love with you since high school. I still did when you and Chaeyoung dated and got married. I was crazy for you. But I decided to stop since it wouldn't do good. And then I met Chaeyoung's cousin, Chanyeol Park. He made me feel loved and worthy. We fell in love and got married. I was happy. Until his parents decided to ruin our marriage, he was pressured, and no matter what I told him, he'd get all angry and frustrated. And then your parents came to offer some help." Jennie's eyebrow met, curious to know what they offered. "For both of us to live a stable life. They asked us to divorce. For Chanyeol to satisfy his parents, he had to take over Chaeyoung's position in the company. Chaeyoung's only weakness was you. And for that to happen, we planned a way for you two to break up. Mrs. Kim knew I was the granddaughter of the CEO of SM Entertainment, and I had a huge crush on you then. It was a win-win situation. Your parent's company had high chances of benefits, Chanyeol took over the company and was able to please his parents, and I could have you."

"The accident was a blessing for your parents because they were able to start again. I'm so sorry," Jennie was sobbing, and all I could was comfort her. 

"It was happy for a while. Because Chanyeol and I got what we both wanted. But Jennie, I loved you. When your mom told me that I would have you. I was confused and pressured. Chanyeol and I made a horrible decision, and I'm willing to make things right." I ended, and she hugged me. 

Don't Say Goodbye II ChaennieWhere stories live. Discover now