I looked up at her before saying " I guess knocking that holy knight airborne put them off a little" before walking down the hallways.

Hawk spoke up "what a bunch of wimps" before trotting down the hallway with me.

| outside the prison |

"It looks like they've gone inside what do we do now" said the holy knight Jericho.

" I must admit, I'm impressed but their little plan will soon come to an end by an agonizing death," said the holy knight Golgius.

Soon the holy knight Golgius pulled out a small round circle, which surprised the holy knight Jericho.

" Sir is that a spell bead?" question Jericho.

But the question was then answered when Golgius threw the spell bead at the prison sending a whole force field around it preventing the eight deadly sins from exiting.

Jericho exclaimed, " what is that?!" The holy knight Golgius spoke up" A magic quarantine barrier, an indestructible eternal sealing spell so powerful they couldn't even break it with 10 fire breathing dragons" he then chuckled at the end of it.

" The eight deadly sins will now weather away inside of this eternal spell" proclaimed the Holy knight Golgius.

|Back inside|

" This is her, without a doubt it is the doctor's daughter" stated hawk.

" all right then let's get her out, " I said looking back at Diane " got room in your backpack for her?".

Diane then said "hmm, yeah no problem", and when I turned to look back, the doctor's daughter started waking up but then screamed when she saw Diane's giant hand coming towards the cell door.

Diane then grabbed the cell door ripping it from the wall and then grabbed the now passed out Doctors daughter and gently placed her in her backpack.

Hawk and Elizabeth then asked " sure she'll be OK" Diane started strapping up her backpack again saying " yeah, I think she's going to be just fine".

Then all of a sudden we heard footsteps from behind us. All four of us turned around to see who was coming.

" Ban" I question...

" Hey Captain" he replied back.....

~ third-person ~

A staredown between the captain of the eight deadly sins and the fox sin of greed was intimidating.

Hawk then spoke up " they both seem upset... what's going on? I got a bad feeling about this".

The giantess said " you're right, I think you guys might want to get behind me now" The piggy then let out a squawk.

The staredown between the two sins became tense until...

" BAN!!" The captain yells raising his hands.

" CAPTAIN!!" Also raised his head to his mid-chest with a big goofy smile on his face.

" CAPTAIN!!" Also raised his head to his mid-chest with a big goofy smile on his face

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The HIDER ( Meliodas x Y/N )Where stories live. Discover now