Chapter 18

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Turning on the lights in his apartment that he hadn't returned to in over a month, it was like opening an old photo album; everything so still as if staring at a photograph. Trailing his finger along the shelves, small collection of dust had accumulated, the room had a slight chill to it that left goosebumps. He studied the room, everything just as they had left it, even the empty bottles piled inside the trashcan. Subtle scent of stale alcohol lingered through out, he swallowed hard doing his best to not focus on such smells. His eyes squinted as Bulma opened the curtains allowing the natural light to quilt the room. Dust particles danced in the natural light,spiralling, and glistening in midair. He stared at the walls, the walls that always left him feeling trapped in his own shell. The room carried a depressing aura, and he wasn't willing to stay around for much longer if he could help it. Bulma offered to help Vegeta move out, since he was now in a more serious relationship he just didn't see the point on keeping the apartment. Like vermin, it carried such infectious memories that he'd rather eradicate from his life for good. He glanced over at Bulma who left the front door open to carry out the rest of his stuff from the apartment. Regardless the negative emotions the apartment left him feeling, he knew it was only temporary, all the bad thoughts would be locked away as soon as he closes the door and never return again.

"You wanna check each room to ensure you haven't left anything?" Bulma asked whilst grabbing one of the boxes that were neatly piled, ready to be carried out.

Vegeta gave her a reluctant nod, as eager was he was to leave he knew he didn't want a reason to return if he'd forgotten something. He smiled watching her so carefully placing the box by the corridor, she looked back returning the smile.

"Everything is going to be okay." she soothed as she tied the bag of empty bottles up. Things were on the right track, both Vegeta and Goku attended counselling sessions for their separate problems, they planned to work with other addicts to help with their addiction. Life once filled with negative and such uncertainty, now filled with hopes and dreams. She could see such positive impact the couple had on each other, and she gained another friend from it all.

Vegeta sighed looking at the bag Bulma tied, his eyes adverted back to her and he smiled. "Thank you."

"It's okay, I did say I'd help you guys out and-" she was cut off as she felt arms lock around her, she patted his back and smiled. "It's what friends do, now lets get the rest of your stuff and we can leave here for good, yeah?"

Vegeta pulled back from such gentle embrace, he took a deep breath looking behind him before looking back at Bulma, he nodded thanking her again and headed towards his bedroom.

Bulma smiled to herself as she turned on her heel to take out the trash, she felt a firm hand wrap around her throat pinning her against the wall. She let out a sharp yelp dropping the trash by her feet, her eyes trailed upwards inline with the heated glare from Brolys eyes.

"So you helping him move huh?!" He snarled, his face near touching Bulmas, such warm heated breath; breathed down onto her face.

"W-what?" She stuttered, wrapping her hands around his wrist trying to ease his grip. She was aware of Vegeta's ex, she was even aware of his past since he opened up to both her and Goku. She tried to keep herself calm to not allow him to see any fear.

"Who the fuck do you all think you are?! Where's this so called boyfriend of his?!" He spat in her face, his mouth near frothing with such anger and hatred.

Vegeta could hear Broly from the other room, his heart pounded so many beats per second threatening to leap out his chest. Slowly he approached from behind seeing the panic on Bulma's face he clenched his fist turning his attention towards his ex. "Let her go." he gulped as Broly glared over his shoulder at him. "It's not her you want." Vegeta held out his hand as he slowly approached them.

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